That school boy rock

Courtside to catwalk: UAAP basketball players modeled preppy chic in Chalk Fashion Rocks 2012 for this year’s theme, “Varsity Blues.”

MANILA, Philippines - It’s a wrap! Last Sunday, hundreds of teenagers made their way to the SM Mall of Asia atrium to celebrate Chalk magazine’s 12th anniversary, entitled “Chalk Fashion Rocks 2012.” PBB teens ex-housemates Myrtle Sarrosa and Yves Flores, along with the UAAP basketball players, walked down the runway in preppy-meets-sporty clothes sponsored by SM Men’s Fashion. Bright Young Manila, the “it” kids of this generation which included Dani Barretto, Cara Manglapus and Jan Pineda, were among some of the guests who joined Chalk’s 12th birthday. “Chalk Fashion Rocks 2012” was hosted by MYX VJ Chino and September issue cover girl, Megan Young, as well as a special participation of Lauren Young, Megan’s sister.

“Thank you to everyone who came to SM Mall of Asia to celebrate our 12th anniversary with us!” said Cristina Caragay, editor in chief of Chalk magazine. “I’m happy that we were able to make so many of our readers happy. See you all again next year!”

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Three times the charm: September Chalk cover girl Megan Young and MYX VJ Chino, with the special participation of Lauren Young, hosted Chalk’s 12th anniversary celebration.

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