Don't anger the netizens
You don’t want to get on the bad side of the netizens. You don’t want to be the next face on their dartboard of shame.
As anyone who’s spent enough time online knows, the citizens of cyberspace feel the most obligated to give their two cents about any hot issue, because “trending” news sort of reinstates their purpose online. Most of the time, they are unapologetic about speaking their mind. Opinion on the web is free anyway, and there are no repercussions as they hide behind an avatar.
Case in point: Robert Blair Carabuena, or the man who “mauled” an MMDA officer, caught on camera coincidentally by by-standers who happen to be affiliated to a media network.
In the video, we see that the MMDA officer is victim to an arrogant, scruffy, and impatient man who can’t hold his temper. The man is raising his voice at the stunned officer, violently wagging his finger before striking his palm across the face of the skinny officer. Carabuena, who has a beard, long hair, drives a Volvo, and is physically bigger than the MMDA officer also fits the equation perfectly as the impatient motorist. Their images fall perfectly into place with the portrayal of their roles. It’s easy to point out who is the villain, who is the hero, and unfortunately for Robert, favor falls heavily on the side of the MMDA officer.
While Carabuena stands as the guilty in this case, it’s hard not to ignore the fact that he is also just an average man who made a mistake. However, this mistake is greatly magnified and suddenly his head is on the chopping board, his profile pictures circulating on sites like 9gag, while the cyber bullying from angry netizens affect his life.
Who doesn’t remember Christopher Lao? Christopher Lao was ambush-interviewed right after he drove his car into a flood, crowned the butt of jokes by netizens. He eventually came out with a statement about the cyber bullying he experienced, and how it had affected his friends and family.
Media’s always on the lookout for the next “viral” to hit the web, banking on the netizens’ voyeuristic tendencies. But maybe the real virus here is the netizen’s joy in other people’s misfortunes. A certain kind of schadenfreude, or the pleasure derived from another’s adversity.
There are certain lessons to be learned from the likes of Rober Carabuena and Christopher Lao. First, don’t do something stupid, like slapping police officers or driving your car into a flood. However, if this happens, second rule is making sure it isn’t caught on camera. If it does get caught on camera (since everyone has portable cameras these days), the last lesson is, don’t be unlikeable.
The only appeasement for the victims of these viral videos perhaps is just the thought that Filipinos tend to be forgetful people. We always forget. We forget about the mistakes caused by corrupt politicians all the time, as we repeatedly elect them seats in the office.
The only thing for them to do is to wait for the issue to fizzle down and hope that eventually, people will forget about it too.
That is, until the next viral superstar surfaces.