A Semerad sandwich!

Meet Anthony and David Semerad, San Beda’s twin towers and, possibly, basketball’s answer to the Azkals and the Philippine Volcanoes. From the court to the kitchen, Young Star’s double-dishing the goods.

MANILA, Philippines - We can’t help it. Jocks are one of those social species we’ve pigeonholed for their acute athletic skills and physical aptitude — and not much else. That they can throw, catch, pitch or shoot a ball has been our primary identifier. Subjects of cafeteria lore and instigators of school or national pride, a bonus, of course, is if they look good while doing it.

Fortunately, there’s a lot of that Athletic Adonis prototype going around these days. One may even be reminded of the half-breeds of the sleeper hits football and rugby. Forged into the limelight by both physical skill, and let’s admit it — physical appeal — now that their teams have resuscitated public interest in sports, the standards associated with the jock have now been revved up.

To their dismay? Maybe not. The stereotype can even prove to be a personality advantage. Then you would know that Anthony and David Semerad, juniors at San Beda College and full-time NCAA players slash hardcore heartthrobs, can dish it as well as they can take it — be it a mean free throw or a Hungarian goulash. Yes, the Australian-born and raised Czech-Filipinos and upcoming endorsers can actually bring something to the table — and Young Star forks into the details.

Time to eat your hearts out, ladies.

Take two: “Being [on the court] together is just an advantage. It encourages us, I’ve someone to talk to, it’s like your best friend always beside you,” says David. Grey sweater with mesh back (P879.750), striped sweater (729.27), army green pants (P899.75), khaki pants (P899.75) all by Bench.

YOUNG STAR: So how’d you guys end up here in Manila?

Anthony Semerad: You take this one.

David Semerad: We came from Europe. We were playing basketball in Europe, training for the Czech national team. And then after that, we were looking for a college, and it was either America or the Philippines. We applied in America but we got into different colleges, and wanted to get into the same college.

Anthony: We didn’t want to be separated.

You love each other that much?

David: We’re too close. And then our mom said we can try the Philippines. Then we met our mom in the Philippines and when we got here, we tried out for colleges and we found San Beda. It’s a good school, so we chose that one.

You really don’t want to be separated.

David: Ayoko. Ayaw mo?

Anthony: Ayaw ko.


Anthony: Kasi, we grew up together, it was always me and my brother. And then we always worked together.

David: On the court, when we play together, it’s more powerful. And when we get split up it just feels different, it doesn’t feel right, so. Like something’s missing. And it helps us on the basketball court too so being together is just an advantage. It encourages us, someone to talk to, it’s like your best friend always beside you. But you’re like the same person.

Oh captain my captain: all aboard the Semerad ship. Slim tees (P299.75 each) and jackets (P1399.75 each) all by Bench.

What were you guys doing in Europe?

Anthony: Basketball. We went on a tour, the FIBA camps, and we got picked up because my dad’s from the Czech Republic, the Czech national team liked us. So we played there for a year and then, we were going to go professional there, but we had to study first.

How long have you guys been here in the Philippines?

Anthony: Two and a half years.

How are you liking it so far?

Anthony: It was a bit of a shock at first, the culture.

Why is that?

David: You don’t see the squatters and stuff like that in Australia, the housing — and for us to see that was a little bit of a shock, but we’re used to it now. We’ve adjusted but mainly it was like, the weather, it was really really hot — humid, and it took me a while, during practice I had to change my jersey all the time because I was sweating too much but I’m used to it now so it’s okay.

Are you guys living alone here?

Both: Yeah.

How is that?

David: We’re used to it because in Europe we lived alone as well, so coming here, living alone, we’re already used to it now.

Do you miss your family?

Both: Of course! Of course, we miss them!

Anthony: I miss them but we’re not homesick anymore because we’re used to it now. But we do what we gotta do — we just concentrate with basketball, our studies, and we keep pretty busy so time flies. When we get back home in December for our holidays it’s okay.

Double vision: See and follow the San Beda’s Semerad brothers’ season in the NCAA. Sweaters (P949.75 each) by Bench.

Let’s talk about NCAA. How you guys are faring this season?

Anthony: We’re currently ano, 11-1, we lost one game against San Sebastian. We’re in the second round, our next game’s on Wednesday against JRU.

Who’s the strongest team, you think? Honestly.

David: We’re the number one team, and the next team would be San Sebastian. But we’re the strongest.

So other than basketball, what else do you like to do?

Both: Fishing!

David: Not here, but when we go to Australia. We want to go fishing here but I don’t know if it’s safe, but back home when we have free time we go fishing. Camping and fishing. And also the beach, we go surfing.

Anthony: Yeah body board. Body board you’re on your chest, you go through the waves. Surfing you’re standing. Body board, I think it’s more fun — easier too. 

Do you get to go out when you guys have down time?

Anthony: Here and there, but since we’re in season, not really.

David: Off season just to relax, from stress and everything, to wind down but mainly during the season, we stay indoors the whole time.

Anthony: Yeah, sacrifice.

I take it you guys are best friends. But who was born first?

Both: Yeah.

Anthony: David.

David: Me. Five minutes. So I’m the kuya, so you (to Anthony) call me kuya.

Do you guys fight at all?

Warm corners: “We applied to schools in America but we got into different colleges... We didn’t want to be separated.”

David: Sometimes, but I always win! (laughs)

Anthony: I let him win cause I don’t want anything to happen.

What do you guys fight about?

David: His girlfriend. I say that I’ll take his girlfriend away and he gets angry. (laughs)

Anthony: I’m joking, I’m just joking!

David: I don’t know If we’re cooking or something… he gets angry when it gets messy in the house. It’s not messy but he’s very clean.

Do you have OCD?

Anthony: He’ll tease me that I have that but I don’t though, I don’t. He just makes fun of me.

David: I’ll put something on the table, clean this!

Anthony: I just like to clean!

So you guys cook?

Both: Yeah.

You good cooks?

Both: Yeah, yes.

What can you cook?

Anthony: My specialty is, like, chicken asado but it’s mixed with a European…

David: We call it Mitsubishi because our dad’s European and our mom’s Filipino so they combine.

Anthony: My dad’s Czech, my mom’s Filipina but we were born in Australia. But you know, I like making baked cheesecake, we always do that…

David: Hungarian goulash, a lot of European food. Segedin goulash...

When do you guys get to cook?

Both: Every night!

David: After school. We’re tired but we want a good meal. We want a good, healthy meal. We’re all about healthy food.

Can you cook Filipino dishes?

Anthony: Chicken adobo, sinigang, chicken asado, bangus. Tilapia with the onions and the tomato inside.

David: Yeah, yeah. It’s a ritual every night. Fresh food.

How often do you guys get to work out?

Anthony: Three or four times a week. But we train everyday. Basketball, and weights three or four times a week.

What’s your biggest pet peeve?

Anthony: You know when he’ll be going to the shower or anything, he’ll be dropping his clothes on the way. So I’ll be looking at it, there’s a trail of clothes, that’s annoying. That annoys me.

David: Yeah, you hate the trail going to the shower!

Anthony: Just put it in the basket!

David: Mine is when I’m watching TV, and Anthony’s cleaning in front of me, and blocking the TV, that annoys me. He’d be sweeping while I watch TV.

Anthony: Is that annoying? (laughs)

David: Yeah!

Anthony: Sorry. No you should tell me! But for me, I just like living in a good environment.

David: I live clean! Yeah but this is different, this is different!

Anthony: It’s cool. It’s cool.

What’s the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a fan?

David: I had a fan, and she wanted my autograph, and she gave me the pen and I asked her, “Where do you want me to sign?” and she just…

Anthony: I know where that’s going.

David: …put out her chest. I didn’t want to touch her chest so I just signed on the side, on her ribs.

Did she have her bra on?

David: Yeah, she did but she opened her chest!

Anthony: Me…I can’t think of anything.

David: Didn’t someone try to grab and kiss you?

Anthony: Yeah, but that’s normal… (laughs)

David: Your girlfriend found out about that, right?

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