Welcome to the Dollhouse

Pose possé: The fierce members of the Dollhouse at their famed Ateneo bench

It’s OrSem (Orientation Seminar) at the Ateneo de Manila University, when bright-eyed young kids are first introduced to the school and to each other. Third Fernandez, 18, is hosting onstage in a Lady Gaga-inspired black vest with huge spikes sewn into the shoulders, black eyeliner, and cherry red lipstick. He’s fabulous. He’s from the Dollhouse.

It makes sense that there always seems to be a Dollhouser among the OrSem hosts every year, because even though they aren’t an accredited organization, the Dollhouse is one of the most well-known facets of Ateneo student culture. It stands to reason that the fresh meat should know about them from day one.

What is the Dollhouse? “It’s not just a bench,” says Patch Buenaventura, 22, Dollhouse Queen Mother from 2009 to 2010 and another veteran OrSem host. “It’s a family. It’s the only spot in the Ateneo where you can be sosyal, jologs, male, female, bakla, tomboy, and not be judged. Ikaw na ikaw, maging sino ka man!”

It probably is just another bench to an outsider, though — a very loud, very colorful, very gay bench — but to the Dollhousers, it’s a home. It’s a place where these young people can be themselves. A haven for self-expression. “The Dollhouse is all about life, love, laughter and liberalism,” says Third. While the Dollhouse is known as a predominantly gay bench, they’re actually open to everyone. The only criterion for membership? “Be yourself,” says Nyko Rodriguez.

“We’re a family that is twisted in every way,” explains Nyko, 21, the Dollhouse’s Finance Buddy (F-Buddy, get it?) from 2007 to 2008. “Our members get a daily dose of panlalait,” says Patch. “It’s all for comedic purposes only, but in the process, we toughen each other up so that when we’re faced with similar situations in the outside world, we know how to handle it with grace, pizzazz and wit.” The Dollhouse provides its members with an open and accepting environment where they can grow, flourish and discover themselves. It’s a place where they can come into their own without having to deal with prejudice. And it’s a hell of a lot of fun.

Turning 10 years old this July, the Dollhouse is not your average barkada. It’s run like an organization, starting the academic year with a Miting de Avance and elections, where they choose a Queen Mother, Vice Ganda, SexGen (Secretary General) and Finance Buddy. (“It’s the gayest election you’ll ever witness!” says Nyko.) Halfway through the year, the Queen Mother will deliver a State of the Dollhouse Address detailing the Dollhouse’s achievements throughout the first semester. They throw a lot of themed parties, and cap the year with a big sendoff for their graduating seniors.

The Dollhouse is a fashionable and flamboyant presence, and a very high profile one because their members seem to host every other event. For the Dollhousers, their visibility in the community is just one way of getting their message across. “One of the goals of the Dollhouse is to convert homophobes to gay-friendly people,” says Third. And they do. Through their near-constant exposure in school events, be it through hosting stints or their active participation in organizations and student government, the Dollhouse teaches tolerance.

They’re beloved in the community for their strong sense of fun and their unparalleled creativity, but under all the lipstick and flair, they recognize that they serve a very important role. “The Dollhouse’s main responsibility to the Ateneo is to always serve as a reminder that we exist, that gays exist, and that we are not a shame to this society,” says Nyko. “People can actually be proud of us.”

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You can e-mail me at vivat.regina@yahoo.com.

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