Culture Shock


MANILA, Philippines - MAGNUM P.I. (n.): The collective outrage of the Filipino people towards their country’s ridicule by a foreign newspaper article (Chip Tsao), primetime show (Desperate Housewives), or comedian’s podcast rant (See this issue’s “10 ways to make Adam Carolla appreciate the Philippines better”). Usually demonstrated by mass status updates deploring the offender with Tagalog cuss words (P.I.: P*tang Ina) in order to make a stand for the P.I. (Philippine Islands). Until an apology is issued, of course.

After another magnum P.I., another public apology to our country care of Carolla. Will we ever stop being suckers for sorrys and instead focus on transformation? 


Where an older generation schools this one on the stuff that really matters: Sinead O’Connor

Peak of Popularity (POP): The early ‘90s, when both her feminist statement of a shaved head and wholehearted cover of Prince’s Nothing Compares 2 U made her the face of femme power and pain. The song also became a post-breakup anthem that may have indirectly introduced chicks to chopping their hair off as therapy. A while later, the ultra-liberal Sinead gave the world shock therapy by tearing up a photo of Pope John Paul II on an SNL performance and became one of the first faux-mosexuals after immediately retracting her admission to being a lesbian.  

Last Seen: A few weeks ago, looking like a thinner, more Sapphic version of Susan Boyle on Larry King Live, where she gave the Vatican a piece of her anti-clerical mind on its recent sex scandal cover-up. Mid-speech, King cut her off. 

Why you should know who she is: Her being ordained as “Mother Bernadette Mary” wasn’t validated by the Catholic Church but you could say she mothered tough chicks everywhere. And at least you’ll know another Irish music export, apart from Enya.

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