Man jewels

In this age of the ultrasexual, more and more men are seen donning jewelry and accessories. Aside from the usual watch or sunglasses, guys can now be seen wearing rings, necklaces, earrings, pins, wrist cuffs, scarves and other accoutrements. Such are no longer just limited to women.  

It’s inspiring to see guys creatively add pizzazz to an otherwise-blah outfit with some chosen accent pieces. I recently saw a foreign glossy do a spread on David Beckham and in one shot he was topless and wearing a leather cuff and  dog tags — he looked hotter than the Sahara desert. Now, most of us can only dream of looking nearly as good as Beckham, but there’s no reason not to try to emulate his sense of style:

Here are a few tips that may help to create that accessorized, yet still masculine look:

• Keep it masculine. Jewelry for men should look like jewelry for men, full stop. Bracelets, earrings, rings and necklaces look better on guys when they’re on the chunky side. Leave diamond necklaces and the string of pearls to women unless you can get away with it — like P. Diddy.  

•  Do not overdo it. Pieces should usually be kept to two or three at the most. Avoid wearing three or four rings on one hand or you might start to look like Elton John or Liberace.

•  Match your pieces. Metal goes with metal; it actually goes with a lot of things. But pearls with leather: maybe not. Add texture by wearing different materials. Silver and leather are a classic match. If one of your pieces is quite high on the bling quotient, then keep the rest minimal or just wear that one piece alone. 

•  Match your outfit. Want to show off that glam necklace? Try wearing it with a deep V-neck tee or unbutton your shirt a bit. Roll up your sleeves to reveal that hip cuff or bracelet. If you want your accessories to stand out more, your canvas (clothes) should be black or kept to neutral colors.

•  Match it with the right attitude. As with clothes and most everything, accessories have to be carried well. Elegant jewelry goes with an elegant personality. Tough-guy accessories should be carried with a masculine personality. However, there are really no strict rules here. It’s all about carrying yourself with the right suave and finesse.  

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Anthology is located at the second floor Annex of Power Plant Mall, Rockwell.

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