Charm school

Wallpaper magazine, that bastion of world-renowned taste, has recognized it. The elite, who can afford to purchase foreign designer brands, flock to this label when new stock arrives. Scores of stylists know that it’s one of the few ready-to-wear local labels that gets style right.

Its name is Culte Femme.

The bellwether of style for most acknowledged cognoscenti in Manila, Culte Femme gets it right so often because it refuses to be a slave to every passing trend. Thanks to the magic designing wand of YStyle’s very own Hindy Tantoco, the label’s managed to retain more than a sliver of individuality. Instead of passing through a rotisserie of basics, going through the racks is similar to entering the walk-in closet of a lettered, well-dressed female who enjoys paying homage to her mood and finds inspiration in books or travel shows rather than InStyle.

Not so much quirky as slightly offbeat, Culte Femme proves that there’s something to be said about independent style. Last summer’s offerings included beach staples such as shorts cropped above mid-thigh, loose dresses and vivid print blouses. But instead of offering something that looked like it could be purchased from any number of retail outlets, Hindy embellished hers with dramatic, almost Mexican-like embellishment – a riotous rendering of color and embroidery.

Her latest collection includes numerous cocktail dresses and a lot of mix-and-match pieces. A simple pleated yellow skirt bucks convention by the placement of a few crochet pom-poms on the hem. There are lace skirts and ecru blouses with some ruching on the bodice.

Minimalism plays a part here, like a certain cap-sleeved gray number. Crisp pleats dot the skirt, giving it a slight bubble, while a draped neckline lessens the severity of the cut.

But it’s more clearly showing fealty to romanticism with its many cocktail dresses. She used fine fabrics like lace, taffeta, chiffon, silk jersey and wool for most garments, realizing that a dash of luxury would do most women well during the party-mad holiday season. But she made a conscious decision not to go the matronly route, opting instead for chic, simple silhouettes that easily translate to casual get-together or a dressier affair.

"There’s no beading!" she said. "The designs are neither ostentatious nor overdone." Which lends the collection a youthful spirit. Most women won’t want to enter a room filled with overdressed people and be mistaken for some former first lady with a penchant for overdressing.

"It’s more about understated chic," she said, encapsulating Culte Femme’s essence in a few words. "You can wear the dresses with flats or heels, dressed-up or down."

Many say that without actually pulling it off. Some can’t even wear long ornate dresses with heels without some caustic bystander calling out, "Someone give that poor girl a tiara." Fergie she’s not, but not everyone can pull off pageant queen without looking like some kitschy kook.

In Culte Femme’s case, the proof is in the wearing. Her empire-cut frocks with accordion pleats are darling enough to be paired with ballet flats. A pair of gladiator sandals with four-inch platform heels won’t look out of place either.

The same can be said of her equally-charming goddess gowns (which can make even those with petite chests look well-endowed).

These days, Hindy plays pied piper to the shopping shuffle, proving, with her pastel furniture pieces and delicately-flowered fabric that covers the dressing tent, that a sense of fashion isn’t anathema to affordable price points.

"This is what Culte Femme is about," she explains. "That fine line between couture and off-the-rack, luxury and affordability, unique but wearable."

And did we mention flattering to most body types?

One glance at her fetching pieces and you’ll soon be a member of Culte Femme.

Welcome to the club, ladies.
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Special thanks to Dr. Stephen Todelo, resident veterinarian at the Wildlife Rescue Center of Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Office of the Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau. Donations may be sent to Mundita Lim (tel. 924-6031/35). Thanks, too, to Tinky Cabanatan of the Fun Farm at Sta. Elena.

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