Rhett’s carpet

We have reached a solstice in fashion. Gone are the days of dining in flip-flops and wearing khakis to weddings. Suddenly, we are now respectful in treating the finer things in life, finely. With the holiday season kicking in, it’s time to let volume, hemlines and colors speak in dramatic volumes. "Glamour is not just about evening dressing. It’s what you’re born into and what you do with it," designer Rhett Eala enthuses.

Rhett has always been a classicist. Even when denim cocktail dresses were oddly all the rage, he kept a consistent octane of glamour. The thing about Rhett is how the fabric clings to the body and glides with the way you move. Fabric is truly his friend. His cuts are impeccable, and he doesn’t overcompensate with over-detailing for lack of tailoring skills. And most importantly, his clothes do not scream "Grandma" – even if he is designing for one. "I refrain from doing too much beadwork. I experiment with new shapes and fabrics," he shares. Truly this year Rhett has created a collection with a couple of instant classics such as the ruffled vest that looks like bunched-up flowers paired with sleek long gowns; the "carwash" gowns, an unexpected medley of chiffon strips floating on a tight and sexy silhouette; and his new modern Grecian looks, towering dresses that have the lengthening grace of Grecian gowns without the predictable details. Rhett explains that the reason his style has been consistent, careful not to fall into trend traps, is because he treasures cut and tailoring in his pieces. "I try not to venture radically from what I do best, which is soft feminine dresses, but I try to evolve with subtle changes from one collection to the next," he adds.

As I have said before, the Paris Hiltons and Tara Reids of the world have saved fashion by showing us how not to dress. Rhett practices with a heavy helping of decency, when it comes to bringing out sex appeal: "Some women show too much and they look more skanky than elegant. Some women like to have trains but it’s very difficult to manage a train the entire night. But the most common mistake a woman makes is when she wears the wrong pair or shoes; that mistake is really glaring and it makes or ruins the look of the evening!" he says, enumerating the many fashion don’ts. In the end it’s something called confidence that will see you through: "Women who are confident and secure with themselves usually best wear evening looks."
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Contact Rhett Eala at rhettvalenciaeala@yahoo.com.

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