Big men on campus

I was recently in the Katipunan area one late afternoon when I chanced upon a First Day High concert on the Ateneo campus grounds. The event, featuring Kamikazee who sang the hit song First Day High for Rexona, was held to welcome students back to school. Seeing them brought back memories of my first day in school. I remember most students were labeled sporty, smart, fashionable, cool, crazy and the like. I was called Mr. Abiltad. I went around the school with some of the members and officers of Ateneo Junior Marketing Association (AJMA) who helped me ask some of their schoolmates what label they would fall under.

Joaqui Mendoza

What’s it like being a commu-nications major?

I get to meet a lot of people and make new friends. I learn so much from the people I work with.

Kelsey Cheng

Have you had any disciplinary problems?

Yeah, but nothing major, though. Just for not wearing my ID and maybe a couple of parking violations.

Qucen Dy

How important is it to be on the dean’s list as a management information systems major?

Very important, because it’s a true reflection of how much I have learned. And it’s going to be one of the criteria to be considered by a lot of companies in the future.

Chris Tiu

How do you manage as one of the best basketball players of Ateneo while pursuing a management engineering degree?

I think there’s no special formula. I work hard, listen to my coaches, stay disciplined and leave the rest to God.

Erika Dizon

How does a management economic student express her fashion statement in school?

My fashion state-ment isn’t too simple or over the top – it’s classic but chic.

Enrique Limon

Have you been caught cutting class during one of your management subjects?

Yes. I was caught cutting class by my English teacher – I was studying for a test for another class.

Lyndon Tan

When majoring in a hard course like management engineering, is it easier for you to do your crush’s project?

Depends on the gravity of the project. But more or less, NO!

Nill Arroyo

How do you stay focused as a legal management major and student org president?

My passion for AJMA and my goal of simultaneously doing well in my studies keep me sane.

Mon Santos

As a management major, how do you manage to attract your average campus babe?

I wear a collared shirt, straight-cut jeans and sneakers. I hope to create an impression of a good, clean-looking guy because that would reflect my personality as well.

Hubert Uy

What are the perks of being a teacher’s pet?

You get high grades that you don’t deserve and you get extra credit for everything, even sleeping in class.

Liz Yap

As a communication technology management major, when do you head to the library?

When I need to study for a test that’s a few hours away! It’s easier to concentrate on what I’m studying there because of the relative lack of distractions.

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