Should I stay or should I go?


I plan to study Language and Culture abroad. I already have a student visa, have informed the school officials of my coming and they have already reserved a slot for me in the dorm. But classes start soon and I have not yet bought a plane ticket because I really cannot decide whether to go or not. I want to go to find myself and rediscover my passion. But there are financial constraints if I go. Although this is a scholarship grant, it will be awarded only after the first sem and enough only for tuition. This means I will have to spend much personal funds, including that of relatives, if I pursue this dream. On the other hand, if I decide to stay, I won’t have a job to go back to because I have resigned. What do you think? Should I wait for other opportunities to come or should I go now?


If there’s a will, there’s a way. If this is really a passion, nothing will stop you from pursuing it, especially not financial constraints. If you are having second thoughts, it probably means you’re not confident that this is in fact what you want. Are you sure it isn’t just a whim? If you’re afraid of spending too much money, remember that we have good schools in our country and I don’t doubt that you can get quality education here as you can abroad.


You have made a commitment and whatever doubts you have, it might be too late for you to back out. You said you have the visa and have reserved a slot. This slot could have been given to another qualified applicant more ready to go hadn’t you signified your intention to go. It’s not appropriate to back out from a commitment. You are running the risk of possibly being blacklisted.


If you are lucky enough to get a scholarship grant, I suggest you take it and throw caution to the wind. The rewards of your hard work will be worth all the hardships you have to endure. While I have a high regard for the quality of education in our country, the subject you want to specialize in, Language and Culture, might be best learned abroad. Joining a community of different cultures will be like total cultural immersion and would definitely enrich your learning experience. Money can be earned.

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In A Funk

I have two problems: one is health related and the other, financial because I don’t have a job. I want to work first to help my family but my confidence level is very low since I’m almost sure I’d fail the medical exam. So, I’m afraid to apply. I’m also afraid to go to the doctor because he might find something wrong with me and I don’t even have the money for the treatment. And isn’t ignorance bliss? What should I handle first?


Yes, sometimes ignorance is bliss, but not when it comes to health matters. With health worries, the sooner, the better. I know that curing an illness that is diagnosed earlier is easier than something that has been kept under wraps. Go to a doctor first.


Fear of the unknown…this is how you’re living. You are assuming you are going to fail the exam and this stops you from applying and getting a decent job. And then you don’t want to go to the doctor because he might confirm you are sick and you might not afford the cost. Come on. You don’t know any of this will happen…you only worry that it might. Don’t live like this. My suggestion is for you to go to the doctor. We have public hospitals that can help you. If the doctor confirms you are sick, let’s just hope it’s not too late for a cure. If ever you need to spend anything, public hospitals will make sure that it will be at very minimal costs. On the more positive side, the doctor may refute your worries. You may not be as sick as you thought you were, then all your other problems are solved. The point is, just find out for sure. Don’t worry yourself sick.


I think you should settle your health issues first. This is the root of all your fears. Visit a doctor. Consultation fees need not be expensive. Go to the Philippine General Hospital. I’m sure they will help you. Or, start with little steps if this is more comfortable for you. Visit a Barangay Health Center and let the doctor make his initial findings. If he thinks something is seriously wrong, he will be able to refer you to the right hospital.

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