Gotta get love

I saw this CD at Tower Records Alabang a few days ago that really intrigued me. It is "Alternative Love Songs." It seems weird that a record company would package something labeled alternative around the cheesiest, bubblegum-pop theme of all time, love. It’s an oxymoron of sorts – oxymoron because, in a weird way, it made sense. Love needs a new sound. This got me thinking. How many love songs out there deviate from pop music? How many love songs really rock? I decided to make a list of my favorite love songs that, to put it simply, rock.

(In no particular order)

by The Cure – It’s so great it has been covered and remade by bands like 311, Anberlin and A Perfect Circle. It’s pretty straightforward and is one of the most recognizable tunes in rock music even today, 16 years after its release.

The Line:
Whenever I’m alone with you, you make me feel like I am free again.

by Saves the Day – I first heard this "emo" song around 2001 and it kind of stuck to me ever since. It’s got a catchy tune for a song by a punk band and the lyrics make it feel almost regal. It’s one of those songs you can’t get out of your head that sometimes it becomes annoying.

The Line:
If I were king of this night, would you become my queen?

Tonight, Tonight b
y the Smashing Pumpkins - This song has this epic sound that makes the song feel like it’s the only one that exists. Billy Cogan’s voice is priceless in pulling off this masterpiece of a song.

The Line:
Believe in me as I believe in you, tonight.

Heart-Shaped Box b
y Nirvana — From the "In Utero" album, this song was Kurt Cobain’s tribute to wife, Courtney Love. Containing the same kind of grunge-metal sound Nirvana is known for, but with unusually sweet lyrics, Heart-Shaped Box is arguably the largest proof the rockers have a mushy side.

The Line:
Hey! Wait! I’ve got a new complaint. Forever in debt to your priceless advice.

Vermillion part 2
by Slipknot — Notoriously heavy rock band Slipknot experiments with simple guitar acoustics in this song. I must say, they do a heck of a job in pulling it off. The song is sweet, sad, desperate and mellow. Slipknot creates an unrequited love song to be remembered, despite stepping out of character.

The Line:
She’s a myth I have to believe in.

The Sweetest Thing
by U2 — This is Bono’s "I’m Sorry" to his wife after forgetting an important date (it was either her birthday or their anniversary). U2 delivers a light, melodic tune filled with lyrical irony and playful images. I’m quite sure Bono was forgiven after he sang this to his wife. I guess the money he raked in with this hit was just icing on the cake. Oh, the sweetest thing.

The Line:
I’m losing you. Ain’t love the sweetest thing.

Letters To You
by Finch — This song is a modern punk classic. Letters to You features the screams and heavy guitars one might expect from a punk rock band. Its longing-for-you lyrics though are what separate it from the pack.

The Line:
But I’m not sleeping and you’re not here. The thought stops my heart.

by A Perfect Circle — The intensity of this song is so strong that you could call it a song of worship. Found in their "Mer De Noms" album, Magdalena is a song about obsession, sacrifice and worship. This is probably the most intense in the list.

The Line: So pure, so rare to witness such an earthly goddess.
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