
If there’s anything I remember about Luke Perry of Beverly Hills 90210, it's not the babes he partied with in his hey-day. It’s that scar on his eyebrow. What made this somewhat no-talent into a matinee idol was not the Johnny Bravo hair nor the drippy affected James Dean wannabe voice. The scar gave him street cred that no Lee Strasberg training could ever hope to deliver. Everyone went crazy over it. Scars not only show vulnerability and depth, it also gives personality. Scars also definitely give some kind of romance to even the most generic of beauties (or talents).

Now the real deals don't rely solely on scars to get them ahead in the world. Nonetheless, Levi’s picked six of the most interesting talents around to share stories that are scarred into their memories. And we try to figure out how it makes them all the more irresistable.

Levi’s has survived the jean du jour virus, mostly because it is the absolute original. To stay ahead of the rest, Levi’s introduced the Limited Edition Levi’s 501 scarred jeans. With only 100 pairs of jeans and 50 miniskirts available in the Philipine market, it certanly satisfies our thirst for cult treasure. – Celine R. Lopez
Precocious Child
Kiko Escora,

Scar story:
"I was a stupid little boy," Kiko shares impishly about the scratches on his forearms

Makes him:
Vulnerable and sexier
The Siren
Ornusa Cadness,

Scar sory
: Just an experience in a New York fashion show, when a light almost fell on a passing model.

Makes her:
A supermodel
The Jock
Colby Miller,

Scar stories:
Resulted from the usual antics

Makes him:
A force of nature
The Expert
Joseph Yeo ,
Player, La Salle Green Archers

Scar story:
Has survived everything from bruises to concussions... you name it.

Makes him:
The Daredev
il Donnie Geisler,
Taekwondo-Jin in Martial Arts

Scar story:
Despite the protective gear, he’s seen it all – bloody and raw.

Makes him:
Insanely driven
The Performance Artist
Champ Lui-Pio,
Vocalist of Hale

Scar story:
Despite his dead-on devotion to his band, Champ has slipped off the edge. We mean this literally as he once skidded off the stage in the middle of a set.

Makes him:
All the more human

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