Hi Marc,

I want to know how I’ll get over the pain of losing my dog. It’s been three long agonizing weeks for me because I still can’t forget about what happened to my dog. I can’t forgive my uncle who is staying in our house and who got rid of my dog by selling her without our knowledge. We came home one day to find she’s gone.

Even if my dog was just a mongrel, she was different. She could do what those dogs on Animal Planet can. She even had the predatory prowess of a cat. She would stay in my dad’s bedroom when my dad got drunk. She understood English better than my little brother and, above all, she knew when I was feeling down and did everything to cheer me up. I felt like I’ve lost a sibling and a friend. I’m not on speaking terms with my uncle because of what happened. Is this OK?

Sad Owner

What your uncle has done is terrible! I’m not sure if I’d want to talk to him either! I know that people get very attached to their pets, most especially when they have such strong personalities such as dogs. I adore my pet turtle (not much room for a dog in my condo), and all he does is sit around in his bowl. I have had dogs when I was younger, and my favorite was a mutt, just like yours. He had one floppy ear and a dopey look but he was like family to me, so I know how you felt about your dog. Pets can become family members (I even had an ex-girlfriend who regularly fed her dog cooked sirloin steak!) and as such should be given more value and respect than a common piece of property.

In fact, I daresay your uncle has treated your dog even less than a piece of property. Would he dare to sell your television while you were out of the house? Or even your fridge, microwave or coffee table? I seriously doubt it. As it is I’m having a hard time trying to figure out what possessed him to do something so unbelievably cruel. Not only did he have no right to sell your dog, but he isn’t even supposed to be staying at your place! He’s a guest! As such he should be extra respectful and thankful for your family’s generosity. I hope your parents have kicked him out of the house, because he certainly doesn’t deserve their hospitality any more! In fact, I think he should find the person he sold your dog to and buy it back, even if it costs him twice as much!

Make sure you tell your parents exactly how you feel and similarly I think you should have a serious talk with your uncle. Perhaps he doesn’t realize just how much he has hurt you. Try and convince him that what he has done is wrong and he should try and make it up to you. Let him know that even though your dog was a mutt, you loved him as a sibling. I assume your parents had some feelings for your dog as well, so they could put some additional pressure on your uncle to find him again. If he remains unapologetic and doesn’t do anything to rectify the horrible thing he has done, I think you are well within your rights not to want to talk to him.

If there is no way of finding your dog anymore, then maybe you can get a new puppy after a while. I know there is no way to replace the dog you lost, but maybe you can learn to love another dog just as much, take care of it and give it a good life so that it doesn’t end up on the streets or stuck in a cage somewhere. However, make sure that you pressure your parents not to let your uncle stay in your house anymore. If he can sell your dog without telling you, what’s next? Your mother’s jewelry or your dad’s cellphone? It sounds like he may have a drug habit if he’s that desperate for money, so start checking for anything else that has gone "missing". Relative or not, what he has done is just plain wrong and not talking to him is a very tame response in the circumstances. I wish you luck in finding your dog and hope your uncle comes to his senses and decides to become a human being instead of the slime he is now.

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