Beauty Q&A

Dear Chechel,

My ultimate goal this summer to turn my pale skin into tan. Unfortunately, every time I go sunbathing, I just turn lobster-red and a few days after, my skin starts to peel. Even worse, it stings and often looks flaky. How do I get that golden look I often see on television and in magazines?

Kriska, 19

Dear Kriska,

I'm sure you have the nice fair skin that most of your friends envy. Please try not go sunbathing anymore. The sun's UVA and UVB cause our skin to burn and age. I suggest you use a tinted moisturizer that has sunblock. This will give your fair skin subtle color and at the same time protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Then dust bronzing powder all over your face and neck to even out your color. Add a warm pink tone and gloss for a natural look. If you're not satisfied with this subtle effect, try using self-tanners. Most cosmetic lines carry self-tanning lotions. Make sure you try the product first before purchasing it to make sure you don't get any allergy reactions. If it works for you, then tan away!

Dear Chechel,

I’ve had it with branded facial wash that claims to whiten your skin and prevent it from causing pimples, all I get are allergies and more skin problems so I always end up using soaps but it makes my skin dry. Please help me find a facial wash that won’t harm my skin.

Natasha, 16

Dear Natasha,

There really is no way of finding if a cleansing product will work for you unless you try them. You'll know it’s the right one if your skin feels soft 10-15 minutes after cleansing. If it still feels tight, then your using a cleanser that strips away too much oil. Why not try using a liquid soap that babies use? They're extra mild and formulated for babies' ultra sensitive skin.

Dear Chechel,

My skin is plain oily! I have tried astringents, facial scrubs, and exofoliants only to find that they simply do not work for me. Are there other products out in the market that could solve this dilemma? I’m beginning to despair!

Angela, 17

Dear Angela,

Don't panic. Since you have oily skin, use a mild gel cleanser to wash your face with twice a day. Use an alcohol-based astringent to wipe away any dirt or residue. Use a noncomedogenic (does not clog pores) moisturizer formulated for oily skin. The easiest way for you to find your products is to narrow them down to your skin type--oily. You can either go to specialty drug stores or makeup counters that carry skin care products as well.

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