Isabel Roces: Mannequin Macky

In the display windows of our dreams and fired-up fantasies, there would be no vision far better than to witness a mannequin-of equally curvaceous, drool-worthy proportions-magically come to life in the form of the mighty fine, Isabel "Macky" Roces.

At least, that’s how it seemed in my eyes, as I sat—daydreaming—while [im]patiently waiting for my cue to interview the 22-year-old catwalk-babe-turned-commercial-model , who was gamely posing for the magazine’s editorial at a boutique in Greenbelt. But before digressing further into some bizarre fantasy (inspired, obviously, by the classic Kim Cattrall-starring ’80s comedy), the shoot wraps up and she glides over—all 5’9" of her—to the table where me and my micro-cassette recorder waited in rapt anticipation. "I hate interviews," she exclaims with a sheepish grin, as she reaches over and scans over some prepared questions (whose content, to her dismay, comprised mostly of recurring words such as "sexy", "aphrodisiac", and " turn-ons" disguised in different forms).

"You won’t get any erotic answers from me!" she teases.

"It’s just that…" she continues reluctantly, searching for words, after I ask what it feels

like to be tagged as sexy. "I don’t think I’m sexy at all, it’s just how I’m portrayed I guess, thanks to the magic tricks of styling." Dodging the obvious nature of the question, you forgive her, realizing her unassuming nature is genuine. Looking at her, it’s easy to forget that this Poveda alumna is a virtual newcomer to the industry. Three years ago, she never saw it coming, not even by a long shot.

But thanks to a 360º head-turning, whistle-bait figure, a smile that would make men’s eyes water, and the most luscious lips since Angelina Jolie, Macky has managed to drop jaws left and right since her "debut" at a fashion show just a little over two years ago. Since then, she’s taken the modeling world by storm: Gracing many magazine covers, reigning over fashion runways, and the burning the boob tube. "I think I’ve managed to shock even myself," she says. "If you knew me in high school, I was like all tomboy and artsy. I came into all this by accident. But it was a pleasant surprise."

Having starred in a string of TV spots for Nizoral, Axe, Block and White, and Nescafe among others, this remote-freezing rookie, who is a graduate of the Philippine School of Interior Design, claims her saucy, sultry image on TV is, in fact, the polar opposite of her real self. "I’m very old fashioned, I would never call a guy or make a first move, it’s just how I think I’ve been stereotyped," she explains. "I know that everything I promote is sexy, but believe me, I’m Maria Clara!"

Yet, we discover that this Maria Clara is far from a carbon-copy version of the passive-submissive morena maiden—she is, as we learn, not only foxy, but fearless, too.

What makes someone sexy?

Charm, for both a man and a woman. That, and a good sense of humor; someone who can make me laugh naturally without me having to fake it or force it out of me.

What’s the sexiest piece of clothing you own?

Probably a knee-length skirt! I don’t dress sexy at all, I’m really more conservative.

What’s the sexiest thing anyone has ever done for you?

One time, I was eating in a restaurant with a girl friend when a guy suddenly comes up to me and gives a me single red rose which he bought from the flower shop next door. He was a foreigner who was here for a conference, who happened to be eating alone that night, and was leaving soon but asked if he could see me before he goes. For him to have the guts to do that was sweet, and very sexy.

What kind of a guy can score a date with you?

The problem with Pinoy guys is that they get intimidated very quickly, so they test the the girl and wait and see if she likes him or not—they don’t just go for the girl they like! I don’t want to play the usual game. If you like me, court me!

What makes you blush?

Umm, Pinch Your Cheeks from Origins [laughs]. Compliments make anyone blush.

Who do you find sexy?

Vin Diesel. I like that bad-boy look. But personality-wise, I like best-friend types. It’s an unlikely mix I know, so too bad for me! But I’ve found a man with those qualities before so it’s possible.

What turns you off?

Being obnoxious on the first date. I went on blind date with this guy once, and while we were watching a movie, he already tried to make a move on me. I hate that! They don’t even try to become friends with you first.

What’s the worst pick-up line ever pulled on you?

There was this guy who picked me up once to go out and when we passed my HSBC billboard on Edsa, he said a really lame thing like, " Hey, I know that girl! Hmm…I wonder who she is?" I wanted to cry! What in the world could I say? I just wanted to get out of the car. Really awful, I would never have expected it, he’s really good looking pa naman so it’s so sayang!

If a man wants to impress you, what would be the perfect, sexy setting for a date?

I like to be surprised. I don’t like anything typical. I’m sure no one does. I’m actually quite easy to impress, it’s really the company that matters. A genuine personality and a good sense of humor—those sweep me off.

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