FFX: The ultimate fantasy game

I’m one of the resurrected gamers who only recently purchased a PS2. Actually, I wasn’t really planning on buying one. But my brother kept bugging me that he knew someone selling a three-month old PS2 for a bargain price. It was a bargain all right, but still a major blow to my savings account. Nevertheless, the PS2 is still a good buy. With Christmas just around the corner, I’m sure we’ll be hearing three magic words from the mouths of spoiled brats: "Buy me PS2!"

Most gamers are still pro-PlayStation because of the good RPGs (Role Playing Games) found in the PlayStation. Yes, another reason to be idle and to procrastinate. But once you’re hooked on a game, there’s no turning back. It’s addicting and I don’t know if I can muster enough will power to finish this piece without succumbing to the temptation of touching my PS2’s game pad.

My apologies to female readers out there who have no idea what I’m talking about. I’ve been playing computer games way before it became the rage in homes. This is why I started wearing prescription glasses early in life. For the last two years, the gamer in me lay dormant — my PS1 died you see, thus, I never got to finish Final Fantasy VIII, nor play the ninth edition. But that’s all in the past because the 10th edition is really something.

I only play two types of games — the RPGs and the Fighting games. These are two contrasting genres: one makes you think; the other doesn’t unless you want to. When it comes to RPGs, no one makes it like Squaresoft. They never cease to amaze diehard fans and those who just want to play a good game. In every edition, they always try to come up with something new — new gaming styles, new worlds, new characters, you name it.

You can’t help but bow to the creative minds who come up with these innovations. Game critics always give their nod to Squaresoft’s games. They’re almost always ahead of the competition. This is why I don’t play any other RPG game except the ones from Squaresoft. I don’t claim to be an expert in these games. I’m just one in the throng who breathe, eat and sleep Final Fantasy games. That’s how we entertain ourselves on a boring Saturday night.

It all started with Final Fantasy VII which was the first game in 3D. The success of this edition made Squaresoft a household name. This led to the Next Gen gaming and introduced a lot of players to the wonderful world of RPG video gaming. I won’t get into the technical aspects since even those things I don’t understand. This review is from a gamer who just wants to have a good time with his new best friend — the PS2.

Squaresoft released FFX two years ago in Japan and a year ago in the US. Still, game junkies and non-computer geeks can’t get enough of it. Its long term success is still worth a rave (a lot of people still get excited about its predecessor so why not this?). The release of FFX comes as a relief for the company and gamers, especially since Final Fantasy, the movie was a flop. With FFX, the company was able to redeem itself.

FFX is probably one of the best RPG games for the PS2. I highly recommend you get the original games, especially if your PS2 has not been converted. So it’s a bit pricey, but you’ll get your money’s worth because for sure, it will consume your gaming time for a very long time.

This is like a 60-hour game, so it’s not really advisable to have someone watch you play lest you want to bore him/her to death. Newbies and experienced gamers will be overwhelmed at first with so much information — one reason people stay away from these games. But once you get the hang of it, it’s addicting.

They say they haven’t come up with any major innovation in a Final Fantasy game since the seventh edition. But with the PS2’s new console, the games had to undergo some revolutionary changes. For instance, the FFX is the first among FF games to have voiceovers, so you don’t strain your eyes reading those long subtitles. You hear the characters speak like you’re watching a show on TV.

There is a downside. The mouth movement is not in sync with the voiceover — it’s like watching a foreign film that’s dubbed. This is a small price to pay since the original dialogue is in Japanese. But you’ll hardly notice it because of the crystal clear (and jaw-dropping) animation during the course of the game.

With regard to the players, this is one of artist Tetsuya Nomura’s best work. Yes, they are still in one big battalion completing their quest. And yes, you’ll have plenty of characters to choose from. Since they speak, it’s easier to fall in love with them.

Another innovation during battle simulation is you only have to press the L1 button and you can replace the active character with a reserve character. Thus, you can easily compensate for weaknesses. If an enemy is strong against a character attack type or elemental orientation, you can swap the latter with a character who can better take on the opponent. Too bad Squaresoft didn’t think of this before.

Making the games really exciting are the Aeons (guardian forces in older Final Fantasies). For those who have no idea what I’m talking about, Aeons are the cool (in terms of graphics) beings you summon if you have difficulty defeating an enemy. You might say they’re the good bosses. In the course of the Final Fantasy games, it seems edition by edition, the number of Aeons or GFs steadily decrease in number. Since you can’t use all of them every time, the makers only kept the more popular ones.

These are but some of the vital information I learned from the game. I could go on and on then I won’t be able to finish this article. Besides, it’s better to experience the game yourself. Start saving those precious baon and try to get the original FFX or sweet talk your parents to get you one for Christmas.

Honestly, I still haven’t finished the game. Although I think I’m half-way through. It’s addictive but it’s just too long. I haven’t much patience for this. I’m the type of gamer who has other friends aside from his PS2. I’m talking about the websites with the most cheat codes. If you’re stuck in some predicament in the middle of the game, just look it up on the Net and get all the juicy cheat tidbits.

So what comes next for Squaresoft? Right now they have released another RPG called "Kingdom Hearts." Squaresoft has merged with Disney in making this game. I still have to see the game myself, but I’ve been hearing good reviews. It’s a combination of Final Fantasy and Disney characters. I can’t wait to see Donald Duck cast some magic spell. Alas, it will take some time before I can afford the game. My ATM is still mending from my last purchase.
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Calling the attention of the people behind Magic 89.9. Please reprimand a certain DJ (he’s on air Friday nights) who’s not familiar with the concept of common courtesy. It was my first time to promote the Nestea Beach volleyball tournament on radio and he wasn’t very polite. And to think I’m one of your avid listeners. Kudos to the DJs in the provinces especially Cagayan de Oro, Bacolod and Iloilo who were very warm and accommodating.
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E-mail the author at ketsupluis@hotmail.com

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