What a Guy Wants?

Women, women, women. We sing for you, we dance for you, we move mountains just to get a special flower for you. We can’t live without you, but that doesn’t mean that you can just wrap us around your little pinkies. As Feminists everywhere demand to be treated with equality, we will treat you with equality. Like you girls, us guys also get equally turned off. Like you, we are sometimes appalled by some disgusting trait or habit that just does not make life that much better. What kind of thing could I possibly do to turn off my guy, you say? There are actually quite a number of things, depending on the guy. But for the record, here are some things that just don’t add to your list of charms. Read well, and no hard feelings…


It really is a pain to be with a girl who can’t seem to do a thing for herself and just gets things done by making pa-cute to her lackeys, no matter how unbearably cute she is. Please. Only the lowest or most immature of guys go after girls like that, and if what I know of girls (limited as that might seem) holds true, then that is not the kind of guy you would want.


This is every guy’s bane. Please try to avoid nagging at all costs. It is as annoying as having kids in the back seat on a long drive to Baguio going "Are we there yet?" the whole trip. A reminder here and there is fine (God knows we could use one now and then), but you don’t have to bug us every second to not forget to do this, or bring that. We get enough of it at home from our families, thank you.


This ever-popular phrase definitely turns guys off. Unless they deserve it. Otherwise, you cannot expect a guy to know your every thought and whim. We are not mind readers. Though we may really like you—this line, when given inappropriately, is a sure way to make us look for greener pastures.


One problem in a good number of women would be the horrible, horrible habit of lying by omission. You do it to us, you do it to your parents, heck sometimes you even do it among yourselves! You "forget" to mention those other guys coming over to ask you out tonight. And those jealous ex-boyfriends? Or how about daddy’s shotgun? And we don’t like getting led on as much as you do.


Almost every guy has what can be casually called a "Prince Charming" attribute. A good number of us like opening the door for you, or giving you our jacket when you’re cold. It does make us feel rejected or turned off when a lady won’t let us act the part of a gentleman. It is a matter of pride for us, and though too much pride is bad, no pride at all is hell. Give in a bit every now and then. And enjoy it. We aim, after all, to please.

We are not jaded beings of stone, however. Just like we get turned off, we can also get turned on. Contrary to popular belief though, we don’t only look at butt and breasts. Yes, gorgeous looks and sexy bods make us horny, but we are not the primitive cavemen you think we are. So what, exactly, do we like?


Although cliché and overstated, a sense of humor is a must. We need someone who can laugh with us and can take a joke as well as she can crack one. All work and no play just makes you, well, boring. We need someone who we can smile and laugh with.


A definite turn-on would be someone with a cowboy attitude towards things. No, I obviously don’t mean the gun-toting, cattle rustling kind of outlook. I mean the adventurous come-on-let’s-try-it kind. The willingness to experience new things adds a certain spice to a girl, and definitely will bring on the guys.


Believe it or not, most guys are also big saps. Though they won’t show it, a good number of guys are emotionally complex and sensitive. We have feelings too, and knowing how to act around a guy when he is in a certain emotional state is always a plus. Knowing when to give some space and when to come with hugs and sound advice would definitely make you a keeper in most men’s books.


Being able to hold a conversation is a great asset. It would really suck if it was just the guy doing all the talking with minimal feedback from you. Conversely, if you just keep talking without giving the poor chap time to reply—or even think about what you are saying—would be pretty sad as well. A good conversation means interaction between both parties, wherein ideas are shared from both sides. Warning though, certain chemistry might be needed in some cases…

So there you go. A few tips on what turns a guy on and off. But wait, doesn’t this seem just a little familiar? The things us guys want and don’t want in a girl don’t really differ that much from what you girls want in us guys. Maybe, just maybe, it is because we are people too…we are not as alien as you think. A good rule of thumb would be to think about how you would feel if a guy did this or that before you do the said this or that to him. Mars and Venus? Maybe. Or maybe it’s just as far as you and me.

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