The Young and The Stylish: Orange Aberin

Come and sample fashion’s fresh pick of the day—heavy on the needed taste, and class at its juiciest. Meet 23-year-old Orange, off the model-icious and fashionista brood of the fruity Aberin clan. Yes, you might have seen older sister Apples ruling the ramps, but check out Orange ruling over the clothes—which are mostly straight from the fashion houses and flea markets of the world’s fashion capital, Italy, where her long-time boyfriend is currently based.

That long-distance set-up turns to be even longer, as Orange is presently residing and working in Singapore, due to a job slot for a huge IT consultancy firm. It could be more full-time though, but she finds herself here back home, twice a month. "It gets boring living in Singapore," she fusses. And when she does get her rather expensive boredom spells, she finds herself doing her part-time modeling stints for Elan.

Such a fast-paced lifestyle could just be more temporal, her jet-setting spree very much included. But one thing sure remains permanent—her rabid shoe addiction. Ever since her red rain boots when she was three, and her grungy 14-hole blue suede Doc Marten boots during her punkish puberty, her heels have never left home without style. Count her 33-24-33 frame to be included, too—with sophisticated frocks, skimpy pants, and the surprising absence of flashy and fancy accessories.

None of the hype but all of the elegance, Orange’s fashion sense pops out in the world of excess and worn-out trends. But that doesn’t mean she can’t work, strut, travel, and arrive in style…well, she just does!

What is fashion, in your own terms?

Being able to express one’s self in a unique way. Going with the trends is fine, but it should always be about the person adapting it to her personality, not her adjusting or being a victim of the trend.

How do you shop?

I try to make sure that I don’t buy an item just because it’s a steal or it’s cheap. I learned my lesson now. I make sure that I really, really like the piece first, sale or no sale!

What’s your most expensive closet piece?

Hmm…my leather bags. It’s because they’re all from my mom.

What’s your cheapest steal?

The belts I bought from a flea market in Italy when I visited my boyfriend a month ago.

How do you keep up with the trends?

Hmm…basically I don’t. When I like something I just get it regardless if it’s "in" or not. I get some influences from my sisterthough, and I just adapt my own style to it.

How much time do you spend dressing up?

It depends…on a normal day, though, it takes 20 minutes.

How do you compare your personality to your clothes?

I was never the girlie type, but I also love to dress up, so you’ll often see me wearing a pair of denim jeans and maybe a funky top or a funky belt.

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