Katrina and Bea Tantoco Style Sisters

For a moment there, I thought I was staring at two Gyaru girls, you know, those Japanese live Barbie dolls with perma-tanned skins and lengthy legs, minus the deadly wedge platforms. But then again, as their big black bags flashed the acid-green letter U, I left the Tokyo daydreaming. It’s the Tantoco sisters, the newer generation products of the country’s famed fashion and retail dynasty, Rustan’s.

Katrina, unbelievably 28 years old, went on flashing her gorgeously straight locks with her urban take on the little-house-on-the-prairie look. She looks light-years away from her camouflage over-alls during her war gaming days when she was eight years old. The berets went, so were the fatigue cargoes, and she’s now left with a massive swimsuit-fetish, with over a hundred pair taking much space in her closet.

Graduated from the Sta. Clara University in California, she now heads the design team of U, the hipper, trendier and younger face of Rustan’s. Being one of the initial researchers for the boutique, she could also be held responsible for bringing in the trendy concept of the shop-and-go-gimmick-while-you’re-at-it lifestyle store. And yes, blame her for bringing in Old Navy, Steve Madden, and

BC Ethic around. After that, our shopping time was never enough. Then comes Bea, though a decade younger, could not be easily outdone. Okay, so she regrets her hip-hop days of baggy pants and ultra-tight tops, but she’s making up well for it with her take on the new streetwear—glitzy but ever edgy. Recently off high school from the International School Manila, she’s currently gearing up for Boston, planning on studying on one of the Ivy League universities there. Maybe she could revive her old preppie statement of knee-high socks and school-girl skirts once she’s there, but that would be a tall order. She’s too funky for that. They look like twins together, mutual tanned skin, killer legs, and soft chinky eyes. But a whirl on their style sensibilities makes them seem like water and oil. So you keep on wondering what their closets look like, and if they ever share clothes. Or fashion advice. We’ll never be sure. But they definitely do have the same blood—and the instinctive taste for fashion is surely in there.


How do you define your style?

Easy and eclectic!

Name three things that are in mode?

It’s hard to say ’cause there are just so many things that are constantly changing and evolving. But if I were to name two things that remain stylish to me, they would be: diamond earrings and a sweet pair of jeans.

Who is a stylish person?

Jade Jagger, Cameron Diaz, Phoebe Philo, and Jackie O.

Who is a fashion victim?

Someone who wears labels from head to toe!

Where do we catch you when you’re in one of your closet feeding spells?

U of Rustan’s!

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of fashion?

When Michael Jackson was still hip, I owned a red long-sleeved top with puffed sleeves!

Who or what influences your style?

Anything can influence the way I put things together… a place, sport, book, picture, or movie. It’s hard to put a finger on anything specific.

What item of clothing won’t you be caught dead wearing?

MC Hammer pants.


What is fashion in your own words?

An individual’s sense of style!

How do you shop?

I drive the salesladies crazy! I usually grab everything on the racks and bring them into the dressing room.

What’s your cheapest steal?

Shawls that I bought in Banaue for 50 bucks.

How do you keep up with the trends?

I don’t.

What’s the worst thing about being a fashionista?

You can’t totally be yourself. If you look odd or different, expect a million eyes staring at you from head to toe.

How much time do you spend dressing up?

Thirty minutes. That includes taking a shower, the necessary products for the body, and picking my clothes.

If you were to set the trend, what item of clothing would you immortalize?


How do you compare your personality to your clothes?

What I wear depends on the mood I am feeling that day.

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