There is nothing wrong with letting what you truly enjoy drive your very existence. After all, the world is made up of many people who stand out in society simply because they enjoy what they’re doing. The problem most people face however, is managing their passions, because knowing what you want and getting it are two very different things.
It’s important to have a game plan, because in order to make your dream a reality, you’ll have to nurture it. Your passion is like an animal; it must be fed, sheltered, and cared for. Without this attention, it will die. Knowing the rudiments of this caring is what differentiates people who pursue their goals from the people who sit on the sidelines.
I say, start now! Most people recognize their passion but never get around to pursuing them. There is no simple solution to this except to give yourself a deadline to pursue your dreams. To make it less intimidating, take "baby steps" toward your goals.
It’s important to be practical. Nearly everything you could possibly want or aspire for needs money in some way, so it’s important that you have some. Even if making money isn’t your objective in life, always plan to have some. After all, your goals might change!
Set milestones for yourself. You must have a meter to gauge your progress. Failure to set this will cause you to stagnate. You must be able to plan your accomplishments and make a timetable for these.
You must also learn to be patient. After all, the best victories are the hardest fought, and to be good at something often takes time. Never be afraid to spend time on yourself doing what you love doing the most, and consider yourself lucky while you are at it. After all, millions of people out there are spending their time doing things that they absolutely hate.
Follow your heart. Most people do not end up doing what they started out to do. This is not a bad thing, and you must accept that along the road to where you may want to go, things might change. You may take side trips or take a complete detour away from where you originally intended. Remember there is no sense pursuing lost causes especially if you are not interested anymore. Life is too precious to keep doing something you no longer care for.
It’s important to understand that passion only becomes us when it serves our sense of well-being. Our passion must exist solely for ourselves and no one else.