Heard It!


Not bad for a handful of young fools who didn’t bother to touch any sort of musical instrument until four years ago…totally inspired by a Beastie Boys concert. Spearheaded by twins Benji and Joel, the newest punk rock sensation Good Charlotte is heavily making waves all across America. Their melodic screams carry highly biting and truthful lyrics, reaching out to anyone who is (or remembers being) young, careless, and oftentimes, filled with angst.

Yes, they all decided to ditch college. Sure, they’re usually clad in stingy-looking clothes with outrageously streaked hair. Of course, they often scream to the top of their lungs!

It’s but natural. The boys of Good Charlotte are youthful, enervated, and inspired to go after what they truly want to do. (Earning great keep in the process.) Maybe they’ll go get degree after all the madness…


To all you Jamiroquai fans out there—buckle up and enjoy the ride! Not only are you about to be treated to the quintessential funk trip that only this guy can offer, some of the best mixers around like the Blaze and Bob Sinclair joined the bandwagon to inject some sharp technological dance into Jamiroquai’s already beguiling sound.

And the partnership of funk and dance seems to have worked out dandy…a crazy 16 million albums flew off the shelf, just like that.

Highly recommended for all first-timers as well. If you’re up for a unique adventure in sound, this guy’s trance-like melody can bring you to a world quite far away…if you let him.


She’s simply bewildering. Can’t get enough of that boofy hair and big-toothed grin. And that’s only her mug shot…

When she first came out with "I Try", Macy Gray instantly won over a big majority of music fans everywhere. Her pseudo-sexy, sometimes husky cries of love and loss, pleasure and pain are universal…yet still manage to achieve that personal, original twist. (Okay, maybe it’s the way she looks. It’s a little easier to feel bad for her sad face when she talks about losing someone to another. Blame the guy?!)

Her new album, The Id, is just as fun as her first attempt…with a little more experimentation, and a lot more lyrical depth.

Well, if her songs have everything to do with the true meaning of Id, then everyone’s in for one hell of a psycho-philosophical ride. With great musical accompaniment, no doubt.

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