Within us there are millions of ideas waiting to be unlocked and released. Among us there are people who have been able to do so. These are the people who rise above the norm.

Each one of us has an innate magnificence that is just waiting to be freed. What is the key to this liberty? Inspiration, of course. And just what are the things that inspire us? Life, of course! Okay wait! Before we get into all this self-help bullsh*t, let’s make it a known fact that yes… life does inspire greatness but what aspects of life? Alright, granted it varies for each individual self made genius, but where do we uncommon common folk go to seek brilliance? Here are some generic places where many find their… ahem, inspiration.

The Historic Place
(Baluarte de San Diego, Intramuros, Manila)

One of the most inspiring concepts of the universe is the past. All aspects about the past are simply fascinating. The fact that you can’t change it or erase it. The fact that it haunts you. The fact that it can be forgotten. Past accomplishments and failures give us a framework to build upon. All these notions just make historic places so exciting. Remembering ancestry and heritage can transport us to other worlds. Similar to a ticket to another dimension, whispers come out of the stone like cries from an era long forgotten.

The Park
(The Orchidarium…)

Nature, of course! How can anyone forget nature as a primary source of inspiration?! Nature is, by far, one of the most common points of inspiration. Returning back into the earth and recalling that we are one with dust. Going to places with so much life is so fulfilling and a wonderful break from big clunky dead buildings. Just to sit in a quiet park and to here the earth live is utterly blissful. Remembering that we are not the only creations of God but merely one of the many things living in this Earth. Nature sings and invades the spirit. The wind flows into our hearts and the song of birds fills the soul. Nature is truly enlightening. It uplifts the spirit and liberates us from the modern world.

The Video Arcade
(Timezone, Glorietta 4, Makati)

For all the computer tekkies and graphic artists out there, the video arcade can be great inspiration point. The bright, avid colors melting into each other and the sounds of electronica can have such a surreal effect. The video arcade is so full of action, modernism and fun! Although slightly confusing, it is this confusion and turbulence that inspires excitement and adventure. The magnificent pandemonium and stuffed toys just connotes carefree childishness. For those who remember Freud, it is the perfect example of Id. This sense of basically nonsense is a great way to break free from stress and probably writer’s block.

The Parlor
(Propaganda, Greenbelt, Makati)

Okay! Humans, being the superficial creatures we are, we thrive on beauty. And where else is there a place more abundant with beauty than in the parlor? Going to the parlor and beautifying or pampering can make anyone feel great instantly. And when you feel great you think great! Aside from looking great, the whole idea of just sitting down and relaxing for a minute can truly do wonders. Really, sitting under the hair dryer while staring blindly at yourself in the mirror can cultivate your brain juices. Or perhaps unconsciously watching other people chat and gossip can trigger thoughts of a gargantuous level!

The Bathroom
(Wasabi Bistro and Sake Bar, Makati Avenue)

Yes, admit it! You’ve gotten some pretty good ideas while sitting on your throne holding your toilet paper scepter. As uncouth and unrefined as it may sound, but there’s a certain kind of reality in the bathroom that can not be found anywhere else. There’s a sense of humility and equality in performing daily rituals. Now unless your sh*t is gold and your shower water is Perrier, the bathroom is where one returns to animalia. No one escapes the reality of the bathroom. Even gorgeous models like Heidi Klum and grandiose rich men like Bill Gates need to take a crap. The famous Archimedes was in his bath when he shouted "Eureka! I’ve found it!" Then ran around the streets naked, but we’re not suggesting you do that. However, the bathroom is a great place to find wisdom and guidance… providing that you’re not ummm… spanking the monkey!

Photographs by Ava Lugtu

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