I can't even boil water!
I can’t boil water.

Ok, that is not completely true. But it seems only fit that I use this statement when referring to my skills in the kitchen.
I – one who was so afraid at actually holding a knife for fear of losing one of my digits in one of those dreaded kitchen mishaps – was really afraid of cooking.

But I took courage and dabbled. Starting out with pre-packaged mixes and canned goods, I dipped into the frying pan. Literally. Frying was the very first culinary thing I learned. I could fry the hell out of anything and occasionally (Ok, all pride aside, I burned my share of poultry and meat) ended up with a sumptuous meal in itself.
I then graduated to breakfast.
Breakfast, notwithstanding being the most important meal of the day, has a special place in my heart. This is my meal. Anything tastes better during breakfast, and breakfast food is the best food bar none in my book. So I learned to cook breakfast.

Family traditional dishes were next. It was just a rite of passage for us. With those uber-gooey callos with tripe and pig’s cheek, and the Bacalao ala Madrid (Salted Fish Cod in Tomato Sauce).

With every notch in my belt moving up, both figuratively and literally, I felt better and better about my culinary skills. Learning to julianne, brunoise, and dice and chop were some of the skills I was quite excited to practice and master. I was definitely on my way.
I kept learning and learning till I knew how to cook what I wanted to eat. It tasted exactly the way I wanted it to be. From Italian to Japanese, I knew I was on my way. A slave to my cravings, I was no more! And aside from sounding like Yoda, I felt like I was a certified cook.

No meal is ever complete without dessert. Baking and cooking are two very different beasts altogether! Whereas one cooks by taste and feel, baking is an exact science. And the first thing I learned to bake? Chocolate chip cookies!

Cooking and baking are indeed very daunting at first. But all it takes is a bit of time, a bit of patience, a whole lot of courage, and a bit of dedication and anyone can come up with a great meal.
Take it from someone who didn’t even know how to boil water!