Firefly-like dancers surprise Malasimbo crowd

Mindoro's local Festival of Lights interrupts the lineup of reggae, world and soul acts at the Malasimbo Music and Arts Festival atop a mountain in Puerto Galera, Mindoro.

PUERTO GALERA, Philippines — Young dancers carrying lighted candles in the middle of the night trickled into the site of the Malasimbo Art and Music Festival in what it seemed like a break in the performance lineup of DJs, bands and local and international recording artists.

"There is a surprise for Malasimbo tonight! A surprise from Mindoro!" Hubert d'Aboville, festival founder, announced on stage Sunday night. "The Festival of Lights from Baco!"

It was then that the dancers from Baco, Mindoro in shiny, yellow dresses and clothes carrying wax candles entered from all sides of the outdoor stadium.

WATCH: Festival of Lights at Malasimbo Festival 2014

The Festival of Lights of "Pandang Gitab" was recently choreographed to promote Mindoro's tourism. Pattered after the folk dance "Pandanggo sa Ilaw," Mindoro's version is faster and danced in more elaborate costumes.

D'Aboville told that the Malasimbo music fest has the soul of Mindoro such as its folk culture, residents and indigenous people as well as its natural features as its inspiration.

The performance was nostalgic and impressive, with Filipinos and foreigners alike rushed to get to the front row to take photos of this rare treat.

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