What's on your bucket list?

We really never know what the future has in store for us. But this shouldn’t stop us from dreaming and making plans for our future. Having a bucket list gives us an opportunity to think about our priorities and what we want to accomplish in our lives. What about you? What do you want to do before you kick the bucket?
Moira G Gallaga, former Presidential Protocol Officer, entrepreneur
Here’s some of the stuff I have on my bucket list:
1. Publish a book – I have a collection of prose, poems and essays I wrote since my elementary days. It’s always been a dream of mine to get my writing published.
2. Do more volunteer work — I feel quite blessed with my life so it only seems proper that I should give back too. At some point later in my life, I would like to be more involved in volunteer work for a worthy cause. Nothing specific at the moment but it will likely involve environmental and/or biodiversity issues.
3. Watch the World Cup — My family are avid followers of the world’s most beautiful game, football. Our devotion to football would only be complete if we got a chance to experience not just watching the games but also what’s it like to be at the premiere tournament for international football along with other football aficionados from around the world.
4. Stay for a month in Gurudev Siddha Peeth Ashram — Ashrams are places of spiritual retreat. As a yoga enthusiast, I want to have that time for inner reflection, just do yoga and meditate for a month.
5. Do a European family road trip — Together with my husband and our son, just jump into a car and drive around Europe. Random and spontaneous itinerary, only deciding the night before where and what to do next. We did this while we were posted at the Philippine Embassy in Washington, DC right before going back home to the Philippines, a quintessential 10-day road trip exploring New England.
Maureen Disini, fashion designer
1. Sail in Croatia.
2. Soak myself in Viti Lake, Iceland.
3. Go skiing at St. Anton with my sister.
4. Eat in Arzak (in San Sebastian).
5. Party in Ibiza.
6. Study in Milan, Paris, London and New York.
Bernie Concepcion, businessman
To celebrate my birthday on my farm in Silang, Cavite with a live performance by a jazz big band.
John Javier, businessman
Do a European tour, build houses and serve my country.
Thea Robles
My bucket list:
1. To see the great annual wildlife migration in Africa.
2. Sky diving.
3. To see the polar bears in Alaska.
4. To do a yoga retreat in India.
5. To visit the Himalayas.
6. To run and finish the NYC Marathon.
7. To go to culinary school.
8. To ride an elephant.
9. To trek Machu Piccu.
10. To learn to drive.
Mark Pingris, PBA player, B-Meg LLamados
Buy a sports car, visit the beaches in Brazil, go to the moon, scuba diving, become a chef, dami yan pero eto na lang muna.
Sigalit Djemal
I never sat down to examine the things I’d done and the things I wanted to do in my life before my husband passed away. I was always going with the crowd and did what came naturally, battling every obstacle that came my way, but when I lost someone very important to me I realized I needed to stop going with the flow and living a normal life without any aspirations or better yet, without trying to accomplish any of them. My bucket list consists of several things, completely unrelated to one another, simply for curiosity and pleasure:
1. Visit Tunisia with my father and see where he was born and lived.
2. Travel to Morocco.
3. Open another organization that helps fight cancer.
4. Bring International recognition to NATAL, an organization that helps people who suffer from PTSD which I volunteer at.
5. Visit the Philippines more often.
6. Continue making caviar pies like I once did in the Philippines.