Wow, it’s the Philippines

New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani is actively promoting the tourism industry. He says, "Come visit and spend money. Stay in a hotel. See a show. Eat in the restaurants. This is how you can help."

The same can be said in our own country for our people. Don’t stay on "hold" mode because life goes on and time can’t be "saved" for more favorable circumstances.

No matter how shocking or undependable the situation may have turned out to be as a result of the unprecedented terrorist attacks it’s time to get back to "business as usual." These new challenges give rise to a new protocol that ought to be work harder, smarter and play smarter, too. Those who will be standing next year will be the ones who are doing something today. With added pressures and uncertainty, there is wisdom in taking time to relax, bond with loved ones, and live as if each day is the last because one is no longer sure when a plane is going to blast us to kingdom come.

There is little value in belaboring the difficulties or finding excuses. Taking a cue from Mayor Guiliani, Starwood Hotels and Resorts launched last week a new campaign as part of the effort to get Americans back on the road. Albeit, the campaign encourages Americans to travel only within their country but the push to get them moving out of the present stupor is a step in the right direction.

"Go work, Go play, Go USA" is the new Starwood slogan and it is coupled with attractive rates to lure travelers to visit family, friends and favorite destinations. The promotion ties in with the US travel industry’s initiatives with the theme "It’s your country. See it."

And you might ask, how are we doing in our neck of the woods? It’s full steam ahead for the Visit Philippines 2003 and Volunteer 12 programs. Tourism Secretary Richard Gordon has shown "WOW Philippines" posters to the members of the Federation of Tourism Industries of the Philippines.

The scenic photos will be one of the tools to help promote the destinations and seeing the posters has given us a better appreciation of the WOW slogan and has succeeded in converting the cynics among us.

WOW Philippines, as it turns out, stands for several catchphrases such as "Warm over Winter" on a panoramic view of Boracay’s powdery sand, aqua waters and blue skies, "Wacko over Wildlife" with a blow-up photo of Bohol’s treasured Tarsier, "Wonderfully Original Waterways" featuring the underground river. Other phrases include, "Watch Our Whales," the "Wealth of Wonders" and "Watch our Women." The last one makes me uncomfortable as it is open to unsavory suggestions and is reminiscent of the tours of the past which we’d rather leave behind.

All in all, we see a winner in the campaign and what’s needed now is to spread the word on WOW, Philippines.

In spite of the travel advisories from the US and Japan, the Department of Tourism and the Federation are going to the feeder markets even as representations are made to lift the warnings against the Philippines. We feel aggrieved and we think the advisories are unfair and unwarranted particularly that of Japan which gave out a blanket ban on travel to the country. But it’s not the first time we’ve been meted these warnings and it’s getting to the point that the short-haul markets are inured to them. Korea, Taiwan, China and, yes, Japan are eyed for sales missions.

The gung-ho secretary explained that he was told that travel advisories are based on media reports and intelligence info. In the ideal world, we would be able to exhort all media to temper their stories and write and broadcast responsibly.

On a more positive side, Secretary Gordon reiterated the plan to build Conex City from the CCP Complex to the Mall of Asia area. The rehabilitation of PICC, the building of a new convention and exhibition hall beside PICC, the declaration of the CCP Complex as a duty-free zone and the development of a new commercial-business district with amusement parks is central to the Conex City scheme. Along with the building of a new airport, Conex City is an exciting development because there’s nothing like new infrastructure to perk up our international markets.

As for the three-day holidays, Go Go Gordon proudly pointed out that this is no longer a plan for 2002 but that it starts at the end of the month. The President has declared not just a three-day holiday but a long drawn-out four-and-a-half-day break from mid-day Oct. 31 all the way to Nov. 4. As the NY mayor expresses: Take a trip. Stay in a hotel. Eat in the restaurants. Don’t just sit around. Do something. Pray for the dead. Love the living.

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