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What won’t Bettina Osmeña leave home without? |

Travel and Tourism

What won’t Bettina Osmeña leave home without?

Isabel Victoria Lopez Osmeña. Granddaughter of Fernando Lopez, former vice president of the Philippines, and granddaughter-in-law of President Sergio Osmeña. Sterling credentials for a possible political career. But it’s not the chosen path of Bettina for she is happiest being the wife of Senator Sergio Osmeña III and mother of their four children – Jose Lorenzo, Beatriz Carmela, Danielle Alexa and Andrea Mikaela.

Born in New York, Bettina has resided for years on foreign shores by choice. She attended the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, an exclusive school for girls in England. "I was a big traveler during my teens," she admits. "I went all over with my mom. I likewise did Europe with my classmates and school friends – always properly chaperoned by school authorities – as part of our curriculum. We must have visited most of the important castles in Europe and the leading museums in capital European cities. All in aid of education."

She eventually returned to Manila and enrolled at the Assumption College where she majored in Business Administration. Between school summer breaks, she was a trainee at Travelaire, a tour and travel agency, and enjoyed her stint at the public relations department of the Manila Peninsula Hotel.

Immediately after graduation, Bettina flew back to America where she worked at the Couture Section of Bonwit Teller, a classic institution of an awesome department store in Beverly Hills, California. She later moved to Shearson Lehman Brothers, the perennial leader in the field of investment banking where she was operations manager for a number of years.

Always the working woman, today she serves as executive vice president of Nova Financial Strategies Corporation, a family concern headed by her mother which provides global medical insurance, and as president of Fresh Picks Corporation Philippines, a personal company that imports vegetables and fruits from Holland and Australia.

While husband Serge was at the Senate one Saturday, busy finalizing the Anti-Laundering Money Bill which he incidentally authored, I shared a home-cooked Japanese meal with his wife, all his children, and his mother-in-law who had dropped by. From the ongoing conversations at the table, I saw a family in action – loving those who were present and terribly missing the ones who were absent. It was a great experience and a wonderful feeling.

So let’s meet the lady of the house – Bettina Osmeña.

: How did it all start? What do you remember of your first trip abroad?

: I was seven years old when I visited Hong Kong for the first time with my mom and brother Bertie. We stayed at my grandfather’s apartment at McDonnell Road in the Mid Levels area. I recall playing with my brother when somehow I ended up hanging in a closet. Don’t ask me how. Eventually I fell on my face, and believe me, I saw stars. I lost a tooth. Thank God it was a baby tooth or else....

What won’t you leave home without?

I always carry my rosary in my purse. What irritates my husband most is my traveling pillow. It is the oldest, softest, or as they say, the most mabaho you can find. I really can’t travel without it. Serge has threatened for years to throw it away. But he knows it would kill me.

Describe your present passport photo.

Strictly only for the eyes of the Immigration officer on duty who does not know me at all.

How do you pass time at airports?

Scan the recently purchased magazines at the airport newsstand and continue to read a pocketbook which is ever present in my hand-carry bag.

What is the first thing you do upon checking in at a hotel?

Unpack completely and inquire what time the breakfast room opens.

What do you consider a must-do activity whenever you visit a foreign city?

See the major attraction of the place, try their cuisine and visit the local markets to feel the pulse of the people.

What is the best travel advice you can share?

Travel light. But please be warned that your laundry bill might cost more than the clothes.

Name your favorite city abroad.

Sydney for its sheer beauty. It’s so beautiful – all of it. The scenery is picture perfect, the surrounding is super clean and the air you breathe is fresh. The quality of life is unbeatable and everything works. Close second would be San Francisco, a city where I met my husband, a city of several wonderful memories, a city which will always remain dear to me.

What is your favorite spot in the Philippines?

– most especially during my growing-up years. The entire clan from grandparents to aunts and uncles and all the way down to cousins would drive up whenever we possibly could. Unfortunately my kids don’t share the same passion. They like the beach. That is why we have an annual pilgrimage to Boracay.

The island offers variety and is action-packed. No one has the slightest chance of getting bored. We have loads of fun and have a great time. Even Serge who is a confirmed city boy always looks forward to our holidays in Boracay. Boracay is an excellent example of how some aspects and annuities of the city have "invaded, arrived and settled" on the island in the best possible manner which is simply beyond comprehension.

Let’s talk favorites now. Your favorite airport?

The Hong Kong International Airport. Aside from being super efficient, it offers various services – name it, they have it: accommodations, shopping, beauty parlor. The list goes on and on. It reminds me of a contained community. Come to think of it, there is never a dull moment at the airport.

Favorite resort?

Plantation Bay in Cebu. I feel it has met and even surpassed international standards.

Favorite landmark?

Il Duomo in Milan. Imagine 600 years in the making and all its glory is reflected in all the details.

Favorite park?

Hyde Park in London – nothing like it.

Favorite museum? And if you could take home a piece of art, what would it be?

The Louvre in Paris. My choice would be any painting from the "Waterlilies" series of Claude Monet.

Favorite musicale?

The King and I.
In my book, it is the best production in live theater. I always try to see it whenever it is running in any major city I happen to be.

Who is your most ideal traveling companion?

My husband Serge for I miss him the most whenever I am away and some lady friends with whom I share unforgettable moments simply doing girl stuff.

If you could have a meal with three persons – dead or alive – who would they be?

John F. Kennedy – to experience the Kennedy magic and the Kennedy charm. Mahatma Gandhi – to discuss the fight for independence the non-violent way. And Mao Tse Tung – to search for the answer to the question on how he did it.

Name an event you would like to participate in?

Being fans of Brazilian music, Serge and I have often talked about the possibility of attending the celebration of the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.

Describe the pasalubongs you bring home.

Educational toys for the children and foodstuff to share with those who care. I always make certain that I bring some souvenir items for my household staff. I found out how much they appreciate, how much they love, the T-shirts that dramatically announce the names of the destinations.

Any good luck charm?

My family. They always bring a smile to my face.

Name a film you can watch over and over again and the title of a book you strongly recommend.

My all-time favorite film is The Sound of Music followed by Annie. I really love the book Talking to Heaven by James Van Praagh. After reading this book, my fear of death totally disappeared.

What do you enjoy most doing on a Sunday?

The entire family gets together on Sundays. I enjoy just lounging around at home.

What is your favorite meal? What drink do you often order?

A real good paella. I am a water person.

What are you addicted to?

Chocolates! A piece or two. It’s a constant in my life.

Describe something important on your desk.

My personal computer.

Describe something important on your night table.

A book I am currently reading and an aromatherapy candle which I light whenever I read.

What will we find under your bed?

My yoga mat.

In a disaster what three things would you save from your home?

I can think of only one thing – precious family pictures.

Let’s hear your top three choices. Three geniuses?

Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci and Jose Rizal.

Three words or statements you always use?

"Oh," "Oh my God" and something I can’t say.

Three sounds that distract you most?

Scratching of fingernails against a blackboard, constant hammering and loud music.

Three things you would never do.

Since I hate heights, it’s got to be bungee jump, parachute or skydive. I will never ever fly on a small single-engine aircraft.

Let’s fill in the blanks. Where in the world ... only in the Philippines.

Where in the world can we find more natural disasters and constant political turmoil? Only in the Philippines. Where in the world can we smile, laugh or even crack a joke about our own misfortune? Only in the Philippines. Where in the world can some people have such a short memory? Only in the Philippines.

If you had more time, you would...

See more of the Philippine countryside – rediscover one’s own backyard.

Name three traits you look for in a friend.

Sincerity, an adventurous spirit and a sense of humor.

If you could enforce one law to the fullest, what would it be?

The Clean Air Act.

Name a place you would like to visit?

The city of Buenos Aires.

Name a country you wish to explore.

South Africa.

If you could reside anywhere in the world, where would you live?

Australia – breathtakingly beautiful and everything else it has is beyond compare.

What would you say is the best part of travel?

The learning experience of everything new.

What would you say then is the worst part of travel?

The temporary abandonment of everything that is so very familiar back home.

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