As Well as Wellness Gets
MANILA, Philippines — This year, it seems we’ve discovered that the onus to achieving personal bliss is through loving yourself. We’re all busy, and tired, and stressed, and so we’ve realized that self-care is a necessity more than it is a luxury. We’re making more investments in our overall wellbeing than ever. As much as I do enjoy slapping on a facemask and getting a manicure whenever I can, there are several other forms of self-care and wellness — something as simple as making sure the environment around you is what’s best for both your physical and mental health.
From ensuring the quality of air you breathe, to knowing what keeps you relaxed, wellness should be standing center at the forefront of your mind. Paving your own path in the world of wellness is not easy, but it’s well worth it in the long run. Here are some of the things that can help alleviate the spirits that seem to be dampening your mood.
Rose Quartz Roller
Re-introduced as the most beautiful healing stone, the color of rose quartz is making a comeback that your skin will soon be thanking you for. Women have been depending on this for centuries to massage and stimulate their skin. The long list of benefits includes improving circulation, diminishing dark circles, and helping with skin’s elasticity. Clearer and smoother skin has never been more in reach with’s rose quartz rollers (P2,250). Don’t just focus on your face; you’ll be happy to know it can ease tension and stress all over your body!
Himalayan Salt Lamp
You’ve seen it around in people’s homes: that glowing pink rock that is actually a slab of Himalayan salt. Imagine better air just by having large pieces of salt around. Apart from it being your new nightlight, it removes dust, pollen, and other contaminants. Made from pure Himalayan salt crystals, @shophimaph’s Himalayan Salt Lamps (P1,250-P1,850) cleanses the air by trapping anything and everything standing between you and purified air, and keeps it locked in the salt. It’s become quite popular for soothing allergies, helping with anxiety, and getting better sleep. It sounds like a miracle worker, I know, but you’ll be surprised to know that a world of difference begins with the air you breathe.
Sage Stick
Self-care’s humble beginnings and the ancient form of positive vibes began with sage sticks. A sacred practice by Native Americans, lighting sage sticks or “smudging” cleanses, purifies and drives away negative energy to regain balance. It’s a method often done after experiencing change or to elicit change — when you’re changing jobs, when you lose someone you love, or when you’re in conflict. Start your spiritual house cleaning with @kahilom’s choices of sage sticks (P350 each) by Daniela Calumba — white sage for clearing away negative energies and emotional garbage and white sage with yerba santa for protection, healing, and spiritual strength. If you’re looking to restore your original balance and move on with more ease, you might want to give sage sticks a go.
Soy Candles
No lie: there’s nothing quite like a quiet night in with a good book and a well-scented candle by your bedside table. I’m here to tell you that your candle choice matters — common petroleum-based candles may actually be doing you more harm than good as they release harmful toxins, no matter how relaxing the smell may be. This means it might be more likely to trigger your allergies and decrease air quality. It’s time to turn to @saansaanph’s soy candles (P600-P900) — cleaner and more purified burning and lasting 30-50 percent longer than your regular paraffin candles. For those with a sensitivity to smells, you’ll be happy to know you won’t experience that sudden burst of scent but a gradual increase of aroma. Like I said, there’s just nothing quite like the relaxing scents of candles but soy candles do you one better.
Diffuser and Essential Oils
Someone wise once said, “You can cure anything with essential oils.” That someone wise was a middle-aged woman I saw scouring her purse and bringing out five different bottles of essential oils in a hair salon. Since then, I’ve stayed loyal to the words of a wise woman as aromatherapy has left me in a state of constant rejuvenation. Lavender and cedarwood promotes better sleep, eucalyptus and peppermint helps your breathing, and rosemary and basil improves your focus. Getting yourself a diffuser while you’re at it will do you wonders as it saves you much of your precious essential oil by spreading therapeutic aromatherapy all over your room with just a few drops. Trust the wise when they say there’s something for everyone. Explore and go crazy with @tideslifestyle’s wide variety of essential oils (P800) and the perfect diffuser (P3,500) to match.