MANILA, Philippines - Supreme has always been for youth empowerment, whether it be on the catwalks of fashion week, hard court of the basketball game, or construction site of your charity organization. This week, get to know some of your friendly neighborhood builders:
Name: Krystel “Kay” Yang
Age: 17
Favorite cause: Habitat For Humanity
Humanitarian hero: Efren Peñaflorida. He was an individual who showed the whole world that anyone can make a difference one life at a time.
What I learned... Throughout my work with Habitat for Humanity, I learned that happiness consists in giving and in serving others. After all, it is in giving that we truly receive.
If I could change the world, I would... start right here in my country, and give everyone a home to live in. As our slogan says, we are “Building Homes, Rebuilding Lives.”
Name: Michaela Eduque
Age: 17
Favorite cause: Habitat For Humanity
Humanitarian hero: My sister, Alex Eduque, Habitat For Humanity Youth Ambassador
What I learned... To one person, a brick can mean nothing. But to another, it may mean a new and better life
If I could change the world, I would...give every person a chance to live the life they dream about.
Name: Isabel Martel Francisco
Age: 16
Favorite cause: Habitat For Humanity
Humanitarian hero: My humanitarian hero is my lola for she always tries to help anyone and everyone that she can. Even in the smallest ways, with gifts of gratitude or tokens to show appreciation, she visits charities and participates in various organizations every week, out of the goodness of her own heart.
What I learned... from my experience working with charities is that the world really isn’t fair; but that doesn’t mean that people don’t deserve the chance to shine. I have come to realize that the people of the Philippines have so much to offer. When those we disdain are given an opportunity, when they are given the means to succeed, they truly push through and exceed expectations. This has proved to be quite an inspiration for me.
If I could change the world, I would... make it so that there was much less anxiety for all.