Would you rather be 10 again knowing what you know now or 55 with P100 million in the bank?

We often hear our elders say out loud that if they only knew then what they know now — whether it’s about properties that had much lower prices or avoiding mistakes at work and in relationships — they’d live through it again. But at the same time, there are others who don’t want to start again but would rather relax and enjoy life now.

Read on as I asked some personalities what their choice would be. To restart their life at 10 years old with all the knowledge they have now or to jump to age 55 with P100 million in their bank account?

Bibai Gaisano Puyat, entrepreneur

I’d choose to restart my life back to age 10 with all the knowledge I have now because they say experience is the best teacher and if you can give me that education way earlier in life, then that’s something I can’t put a price on.

Leila Alcasid, singer

I’d restart my life back to 10 with all the knowledge I have now so that I could enjoy and make the most out of life even more.

Sidney Yap, stylist

My initial thought would be to go back to age 10. Who wouldn’t want youth, more time, and the rewind button? But who wouldn’t want “early retirement” too? It’s nice to fantasize about being young again and what things we would do better, but the truth is, there is always something good in every stage of life and no matter how good or bad it has been, I wouldn’t want the reset button, because the “Me” today wouldn’t be me. I’d rather skip and see the person I will be than

try to change who I was. 

Daryl Chang-Lotho, fashion director, Preview magazine

I’d restart my life back to age 10 with all my knowledge because not enough money in the world can buy back youth — or an extension of life for that matter. Imagine living a life where you already have years of experience as guide. It’ll be living with fewer mistakes and more time to appreciate life. And if I put that advanced knowledge to good use, I’ll probably have that P100 million by age 20 anyway.

Joyce Bernal, film and TV director

I wouldn’t change the experiences I had, the friends I have and my family. I would like to have a different perspective in life, dealing with it happily and more passionately. I will still be carefree and stupid about things that matter but I want to do it lovingly. Always with love, kahit nakakapagod din. Nakakapagod magmahal, kasi masarap at masakit. I will be more focused on my dreams, para sana by this time I have that P100 million in the bank. Pero I’m happiest during my struggling times more than when my dreams come true so di ako sure about this.

April Tanhueco, model beauty entrepreneur

Without a doubt, I would choose to go back to when I was 10 years old. Given the knowledge that I have today, I could definitely choose better options and opportunities that would alter my future when I reach the age of 55. That big jump to the future is a tremendous loss of fun and experiences! No amount of money can compensate for that. Who knows, not only will I have more than P100 million when I reach 55, but I will also have more colorful memories and valuable knowledge and experiences I could pass on to my children.

Bambina Olivares, media and communications director, Manila House

At this point in time I’d take the money and run!

Patricia Prieto, style and travel blogger

I’d like to be 10 years old again. I would be able to avoid mistakes and “fix” certain things in the past. I guess the only downside of that whole thing would be the whole “messing with the future” sort of predicament just because I might not meet the same people or be the same person I am today.

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