Which among your five senses is the most valuable to you and why?
Sometimes we get so attached to material possessions that we fear losing them. We take for granted the more important things that we should really be grateful for, blessings that we have our five senses — touch, hearing, smell, taste and sight given to us by Our Lord.
I asked some personalities which among their five senses is the most valuable to them. Read on and let us appreciate and thank Him for being so good for giving us our five senses.
Sunny Ku, businessman
Sense of touch! It’s the feeling of not being alone… sometimes we take it for granted but I love holding hands with the one I love! I need a hug every day from my kids! Guess I’m a touchy kind of guy.
Heny Sison, premier cake designer and pastry chef
Beethoven composed beautiful music even when deaf. Music is in the mind whether or not one can hear. Smell and taste go hand in hand. If one should lose both, food can still be appreciated from its appearance and texture. Without the sense of touch, one cannot perceive the texture but texture may clearly be visible. I would value the sense of sight most. If I cannot hear for myself the actual beauty of a symphony, I will see its beauty in the faces of those who can hear. If I cannot smell a flower or the stink of a garbage, I can sense what is going on through the expressions of those who can smell. If I cannot smell the aroma of freshly baked bread and cake, I can enjoy what it looks like through the gusto in the faces of diners. I must say I value the sense of sight most.
Gilbert Pangilinan, chef and co-owner Kai, Cerveseria, Isogi
As a chef, it would have to be the sense of taste. It is through this that I am able to feed my passion for learning, creating and innovating dishes. However, as a family man, it would be the sense of touch. Nothing beats the overwhelming feeling of love and warmth through embracing, hugging and holding your loved ones.
Jin Perez, blogger, Jin Loves to Eat
My first answer would be taste because I love eating, but after much thought, I would say sight is the most important for me because I can eat everything through my eyes. I want to feast on the world’s beauty, nature’s smiles, that steaming basket of dimsum, the excited grin over the first taste of truffle, the tears of sadness shed in every loss, of gratitude and joy when receiving life’s blessings, and the tender look of unconditional love.
Cecile Lilles, writer
Neurologists say that vision is our most dominant sense and I agree. I find meaning in what I see more than in what I hear, smell, taste or touch. I shall manage with difficulty without these four other senses but I would die if I were unable to see the people I love — being what they are and doing what they do.
Maricar Reyes, actress
Sight is the most important sense for me. Around 80 percent of the information from the outside that reaches our brains comes from our eyes. I’d feel the most crippled if I lost my sight more than any of the other senses.
Darcy Ong, managing director, Certified Calm
In the end, I think that the sense of touch is the most valuable. It is the least we can afford to lose. One can still survive fairly well without sight, hearing, smelling or tasting. But it is extremely dangerous not to feel the scalding heat, pain, or pressure. It will be difficult to protect the self independently. More importantly, studies have always shown how important the sense of touch is to human beings. The love and emotions that go with it are immeasurable to keep us going.
Jay Heredia, businessman/contractor
Among the five senses I prefer the sense of touch. It is very important for all relationships to work. A simple touch or kiss can fill up my day. A simple touch can mean you care and love that person. Touch can go a long way in any relationship. Touch can lead to liking and then the ultimate love.
Meca Penson-Prieto, merchandise manager, Rustan Commercial Corporation
My initial answer, like a reflex, is my sense of sight. I admit to being such a visual person. I depend a lot on my eyes for everything. I love taking and looking at photos, arts, watching movies, reading books and magazines, sightseeing, designing and drawing. My sense of sight is the most used sense in my whole body. My four other senses are highly influenced by my sight. Food seems better when it looks good, the songs sound better when the singer is gorgeous and dances well, I feel happy just seeing smiles on people’s faces, and things seem to smell better when they look good up until I get deeper into them using my other senses. I also believe that without your sight, you instantly become dependent on others which is quite difficult for people who are naturally independent and depended on.
Nicole Villarojo, brand manager
I’ve always been a visual person. I learn best with visual stimuli, I get inspired easily with things I see and most importantly, I store my most important memories in my visual memory. Most people think I’m very quiet, but I just really like to observe people and my surroundings!
MTRCB chair Atty. Eugenio Villareal
Hearing, which many say is the last to go among all the senses. Because of it, I become open to whole world, particularly the words that others would have to say. Through it, it is not I, but them.