Zsa Zsa Padilla’s boyfriend, architect Conrad T. Onglao, dreams of a Florence, Italy wedding

One of the Philippines’ most accomplished designers of tycoons’ mansions and hotels, architect Conrad T. Onglao is in his 50s and a romantic who dreams of someday remarrying in Florence, Italy. He revealed this dream, his newfound happiness with his girlfriend, the talented singer-actress Zsa Zsa Padilla, and his success secrets at a recent interview with the Philippine STAR.


PHILIPPINE STAR: We read that you were introduced to your current girlfriend singer and actress Zsa Zsa Padilla by your client, Megastar Sharon Cuneta- Pangilinan? You’ve known Sharon for a long time?

CONRAD T. ONGLAO: I’ve known her for two years already. Sharon is a very nice person, she has no mean bone in her. I met her through the Aboitizes and it was at their house where we first met.

So when Sharon brought up the idea, were you okay with her suggestion?

Actually, Sharon asked me a year ago if I was open to date someone in her industry, I replied then: “No, no, I’m not interested.” Then later, she brought it up again and I asked her: “Who do you have in mind, by the way?” When she mentioned Zsa Zsa, I asked if she was still in mourning and she explained that it’s already been two years. 

Where was your first date with Zsa Zsa?

It was in an Italian restaurant somewhere in Makati. It’s a small and quiet place. It was a Sunday, after her ASAP show on ABS-CBN. Sharon gave me her cellphone number. I had never met her before… I didn’t know she was a vegetarian before that first date, but we talked for about two hours at that dinner. The following day I called Sharon asking for feedback, Sharon told me Zsa Zsa said that I can be her best friend. When I commented that she just wants a best friend, Sharon said: “No, ligawan mo (court her).”

What else did Sharon tell you to convince you?

Sharon said to me she has a 95 percent batting average in introducing couples who end up together. She said, “Conrad, you’re so bagay (ideal for each other).”

Dolphy died two years ago. What about you, I heard your last girlfriend was a former beauty queen? How long had you been free when you first met Zsa Zsa?

It had been four months then when my relationship ended. I was in my last relationship for 10 years.

Are you and Zsa Zsa now legally free to remarry?

Yes, my ex-wife has even remarried in church. She’s been married 12 years already, I think. We’ve been divorced and annulled.

What about Zsa Zsa?

Ah, oo (ah, yes). She’s also been annulled.

Is it true that you’ll be married either this year or next year?

Wala pa kaming pinag-usapan (We’ve not discussed it yet).

You’ve been together for four months, how is your relationship?

 (Smiles) We get along pretty well. It’s an effortless relationship. Being both artists, we understand each other. It was maybe our third date, it was lunch, I felt light and comfortable. It was a feeling of familiarity that you can’t explain, you just feel good, it’s not expected...

Your being in love, do you feel like a teenager again?

Some people say that… There’s no conflict. Everything is light and easy, magaan ‘yung dating (it’s a light-hearted feeling).

I heard even your children like each other?

Yes, our kids get along well. Sometimes I would cook for everybody, her three kids and my own two kids.

You can cook?

Yes, I even cooked for her mom when she was in town from the US.

What are your success secrets?

No success secrets, just be passionate about your work and develop the discipline that it takes… My dad Joven Onglao said it’s about hard work. He always told us: “Never work for the money, it will come.” Some people are too fixated on money and they forget the things that are really important. I once heard an architect say that whenever a client bargains, he simply loses his enthusiasm, which is unfortunate. You don’t work for the money. Whether it’s charity project or a paying project, have the same enthusiasm for your work, don’t measure only by monetary means.

Is passion very important for you? 

I always tell my kids, whatever they want to do is okay with me as long as they’re passionate about it. For example, in my case, I design all kinds of projects that I’m enthusiastic about, but between a hotel project and a house project, a hotel is bigger and more profitable, but both entail almost similar amounts of effort, yet I like a house project more because it feeds your artistic soul.

I’ve heard you’ve designed the mansions of numerous tycoons, buildings and even the “Bahay Pangarap” Hall of Malacañang Palace where President Noynoy Aquino now lives. What is your dream project?

Every architect dreams of an iconic project. For me, if it’s meant for you, it will happen, but you have to be ready for it. Nowadays, some young people say they aim for these great goals, but if you ask how, they don’t know. Just work hard and be passionate about everything you do, you cannot be impatient, it will happen when you least expect it.

Bahay Pangarap in the presidential palace complex and beside the Pasig River looks so elegant. What inspired your design?

I was invited to design Bahay Pangarap in the last two years of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s administration, it’s supposed to be a guest house, but it was never used as a residence. It was a former storage place during President Joseph Estrada’s administration.  The requirement was for me to make it look like a resort.

Like you now, President Noynoy Aquino is not married and he’s almost your age. Any advice to him about romance?

At his age, I’m sure the President knows what he wants.

What about advice for single men and women in general?

Romance will happen when you least expect it and when you’re ready for it. You cannot plan everything in your life, because there are many variables along the way.

Do you see yourself marrying again one more time?

I know I’m going to get married someday, ever since when I divorced before pa, ang tagal na rin (it’s been a long time already) Gee, I can’t even…

So you still believe in marriage?

Of course. Unfortunately, my first marriage didn’t last, but it doesn’t mean I no longer believe in marriage and it doesn’t mean I’m less of a father. 

Just in case you and Zsa Zsa get married, don’t forget to thank Sharon!

 (Smiles) We’ll get her as ninang (godmother).

Don’t forget, in ancient Chinese tradition (perhaps of the Fujian region), matchmakers who make successful kaysiaw or “introductions” are usually gifted with a delicious pig’s feet dish.

I already sent to Sharon not only a pig’s feet dish, I sent one whole lechon on Mother’s Day (smiles).

You really have to admire Sharon’s goodness and her instincts.

Sharon really deserves all her blessings. Everybody who knows her likes her. After Zsa Zsa and I got along so well, she said to me: “See, I told you Conrad, my batting average is very good.”

You were once married to the topnotch interior designer Ivy Almario, what have you learned from your past marital break-up?

Perhaps if I were to relive my marriage… Sometimes, you get too busy in your careers, you forget the basics. Sometimes marriage can breed complacency, like the husband and wife would often tend to take each other for granted. I believe that even married couples should occasionally go out on a date, married people shouldn’t lose that magic.

When my former wife and I were still young, sometimes there were pressures, lifestyle pressures, both of us were just starting to make a living. Sometimes on weekends, you still meet with friends or clients… Now, I always spend Sunday lunch with my kids and I’m not just a father but more of a friend to them.

Does Zsa Zsa also believe in marriage?

Yes, she believes in marriage. She really believes in long-term relationships. I recall Sharon told me that she stayed with Dolphy for 25 years, that’s something. A relationship has its ups and downs, but through thick and thin, Zsa Zsa stayed with Dolphy to his last breath — it says something about her. Zsa Zsa is a woman of substance, and she values relationships.

Apart from her looks and talents, what are some other aspects of her personality that you admire?

In the entertainment world, they call her the “Divine Diva,” but she really has no complex. Zsa Zsa will leave the house without makeup. She never says “no” to people who ask to have their pictures taken with her. She helps people and she would never even tell me — that’s the measure of a good person.

What to you is the nicest place for a dream wedding?

I’ve always dreamt of getting married in Florence, Italy. I find that city very romantic. There’s that hotel in Fiesole Farea, there’s a hotel there called Villa San Michele. It’s an old hotel with the altar designed by Michelangelo… For me, the whole Tuscan area is very romantic, it’s just a fantasy, this dream wedding of mine, whether it will happen or not…

When are you getting married, soon?

It’s a matter of timing. It will just unfold… I have so many women friends who want to be my “best man” at my wedding.

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