What’s one thing you regret saying or doing?

There may be a few things we regret in our lives. But to regret having said or done one thing is much better than to regret not doing anything at all. Sometimes it’s the fear of stepping into the unknown that stops us from going towards the life we are meant to have.
Personally, I have learned that fear should be our friend and that every hurdle we encounter in our lives is a lesson that will take us to where we are meant to be. We have to keep our faith in our Lord as we venture into life with the knowledge that having regrets about things we have done will make us better persons as part of our journey towards making our dreams come true.
Mayor Len Alonte Naguiat, Binan, Laguna
Looking back from when I first started politics to the present, the one thing I regret the most is reacting to my detractors. I know it was foolish because in reality, not everyone will agree with my views and my goals. The realization I came to is that I cannot please everybody and more often than not I have to make the best and sometimes unpopular decision for the majority of the population I serve but mindful of the minorities feelings and objections. Public service is often a thankless job. This can be an uphill battle as no matter what decision we make, there will be people who will agree and those who will oppose. Having said this, I cannot let my detractors’ actions and their words affect me. Instead, I will let my actions and the results of good governance speak for itself and allow the results of hard work and success be the language my constituents and my detractors come to know of me. And at the end of the day, it has always been and will always be between me and God.
Sharon Cuneta Pangilinan, actress
One word will say it all: Twitter. (Laughs) It was fun but sometimes it can be a zoo.
Former Lanao Del Norte Rep. Aliah Dimaporo Cimafranca
I regret that I am not able to participate more actively in the ongoing peace process in Mindanao because I am taking my master’s degree in Australia. If the people of the six towns in Lanao del Norte wish to be a part of the Bangsamoro territory, then there is no reason not to support their cause. The endeavors of the peace panel merit commendation, and any move for peace in Mindanao demands all the support.
Celine Gabriel Lim, PR director/restaurateur
I don’t think I have any regrets. Everything that I have done, every decision I have ever made has shaped me into the person I am today and because of that I am grateful for all the experiences life has thrown my way, both the good and the bad.
Agnes Silva, development worker
I mostly regret not reading enough books when I was younger. I can still vividly remember few of the novels I read during my pre-adolescent years — how they have helped shape my creativity and perspective on things. Reading can take you to greater heights.
Precious Hipolito, Quezon City councilor
When I was seven years old, I did one of the most memorable, careless and perhaps bravest things in my early years — I attempted to stop my siblings from fighting over whose turn it was to watch TV. I’m the youngest in our family, so when my two older brothers and elder sister were at it, I went to my parents’ room, told them what was happening and they ordered me to calm my siblings down and call them to go to my parents’ room. When I got back to our family room, I knocked several times but the door banged so hard that I hardly noticed my hand sliding towards the edge of it, till it cut my pinky finger on my right hand. I yelled so loud, a deafening silence followed. The door stopped banging — next thing I knew, my dad was carrying me towards the car and off to the nearest hospital. I lost one half inch of my pinky finger, but I never blamed anyone for what happened.
Tess Santos Coffill, Agilent Tech and Avis Santa Rosa, California
My biggest regret actually revolves around missing out in life: my family and friends back home. Yes, I’m married to a wonderful guy, have a nice job and am living comfortably here in the US, yet I am discontent and feel depressed at times. I miss my family and regret that I didn’t form many real and solid friendships back home. There are times when I feel homesick.
So many lessons were learned that day; and I think of my shorter pinky finger as my lucky charm. I guess I could say now that after several years, I truly regret knocking through that door and meddling with my elder brothers’ fight.
Djila Winebrenner, Innkeeper, The Lazy Dog Bed and Breakfast
Looking back 20-odd years, I say the only thing I might regret was not getting that sex change operation. Had I done that, my life would be significantly more interesting.
Robert Blancaflor, florist
The things I regret doing are those that my mother “warned†me against, but I still did because of “pride.†Though some may claim that it’s a worthy experience, I still believe that if I had listened to my mom and followed her advice, I could have saved time in achieving my goals. Mothers know best, and that’s something kids nowadays should always treasure.
Gertie Batocabe, wife of Ako Bicol Rep. Rodel Batocabe
Regret is such a strong word in this life full of lessons and second chances, there is really no “major-major†(to borrow a beauty queen’s famous words) regret in my life. But then, not taking my piano lessons can be considered one. I grew up in the province at a time when ballet and piano lessons were de rigueur on the weekends. But I chose not to be present every time my piano teacher would arrive until she just gave up on me. Now, at an age nearing the empty nest syndrome, I have become more appreciative of classical music and sometimes wonder how good and relaxing it could have been had I learned how to play the music of the masters. I would have basked in the fulfillment of having an outlet for self-expression and at the same time, for de-stressing myself of mundane worries and anxieties.
Melba Eduardo Solidum, housewife
I have always loved interior styling and have been fond of collecting cutout designs of fabulous houses. So, after graduating from high school, I really wanted to enroll in UST to pursue my passion in interior designing, but I ended up in the College of Dentistry in CEU. I graduated and got a license but I wasn’t able to practice my profession because it wasn’t really my interest. I wish I’d followed my heart, so I could have become the best interior stylist I wanted to be.
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For suggestions, feel free to email me at monsrt@gmail.com or follow me on Instagram @monsromulo.