Asset management

Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts, which we are about to receive through Thy bounty through Christ, Our Lord...And may God help us provide for the needs of others...Amen.”

The first part may be familiar to most of you...the second half was an additional phrase to our own “prayer before meals” as a family as recommended by my parents’ mentor priest from U.P., Fr. John Delaney.

We prayed it so often, I dare say it actually influenced our lives! All nine siblings apart from our parents, Dony and Emma Nepomuceno Pangilinan.

One distinct way I’ve seen this prayer actually shape our lives was the fact that early on (as in, really early), my siblings and I were already introduced to community engagement and even political consciousness. We were “encouraged” by our parents to invest in community development work, non-government organizations’ programs, and even civic associations’ campaigns during constitutional conventions.

Not a few have asked me, “Anthony, what did your parents do that got you and your siblings so involved in socio-civic associations and service-oriented work?

It was the second half of our regular mealtime prayers. You declare something so often it actually unfolds before your very eyes.

Setting your goals early on in life - and in asset management (or stewardship) I prefer to call it - is key to making investments that you will truly value in the future. Not all investments work out, often because the “whys” behind them wern’t clear enough to inspire the “whats” over time. Further, while not a few investments exceed initial expectations, there are many that do not satisfy their investors in the long run. Why? Because what was “reaped” didn’t turn out to be as important to the “sowers” who didn’t think of what was truly “of value” to them.

I will be forever grateful for the contribution that prayer made in my own investments in “making a difference.” Not only has it strengthened my sense of purpose, it has actually help me and Maricel develop a more “holistic” and more “sustainable” organization and family. I was talking “sustainable development” over 25 years ago, and it is true: people and institutions who are connected with stakeholders and communities impacted by what they do are more sustainable and successful in the long run.

We have learned to decide on short term actions with long term goals: national, relational, emotional, spiritual, physical, and financial. It takes vision and discipline, because often we realize its not what we say YES to that matters; often, its what we say NO to in terms of investments that truly makes a difference.

What are your life goals? What impact do you really wish to have, and to who? What financial targets - and assets - do you want to attain, and why?

We have a long way to go, but we are thankful for how far - and fun  -we’ve  journeyed!

Understanding our lifestyle preference is also key in making time, energy and financial investments. Maricel loves to study, travel as a family, and, more and more, to entertain people in our home. I am passionate about eating (and wine : ), tinker and experiment with new business ideas and ventures, and organize projects that will impact people of influence from all sectors of society in our country. Knowing our distinct approaches, we have honored them with the kind of investments we’ve made, and assets we’ve gained through the years.

Investing in education, and higher education, travel and international “network building”, small business ventures or specific learning campaigns and events, publications from which we’ve received passive (not requiring active daily presence, and continuing even as we sleep, or travel : ) are some invaluable assets we have grown through the years. And what ensures the energy and passion for such activities? The fact that it involves the core of our beings, it is who we are, and the lifestyle we wish to live.

Our five kids aren’t as young anymore. More and more, they are also defining the investments we are making and the lifestyle that will define us as a family...

Choosing from various investment options for a personalized portfolio has also been a helpful tip that we have maximized through the years. Apart from our further studies, for example, Maricel and I have invested in some financial instruments that give you great yield, over time. Investment funds - pooled funds to purchase various securities - have been a winner for our family, especially for our children!  As all of them have been part of some commercial ad, Maricel invested their fees in these funds and they have been among the best - in return and consistency - among our various asset management options.

But choosing, again, what you will focus on long term is something Maricel and I have learned, primarily through experience. Not all asset or wealth management instruments are for us. Or better said, we’ve learned that there are the options that best fit our nature as individuals, and as members of a family we want to build. Not all individuals, for example, will choose to invest and manage stocks on their own, owing to a more conservative risk appetite (hence our preference for investment funds invested primarily in blue chip companies). While it is true one shouldn’t put all eggs in one basket, it is also wise not to have too many baskets! Over time, we have learned that investing in our continuing education, publishing material for mass distribution, managing our own business, pooling family resources for investment fund placements, building our own home, and improving our image and reputation as a family have been our key “asset building” investments.

Of course expecting change or actually anticipating it has become part of our asset or wealth management agenda. We have also had to make changes in our portfolio given special circumstances like building our own home and the need to liquidate certain assets so my brother’s contractors and workers keep coming back! (Thank you Architect John2 for your patience!). There is also so much more to learn (even as we have written this column the past weeks!) as new products and services are developed and offered by our partner banks and finance managers. So we are eager to explore new and better ways of growing or stewarding our resources as a family and as a company. This is one reason why we are here in Europe as I begin to wrap up my Executive MBA from Tsinghua and INSEAD universities and focus on preparing and defending my thesis on “scaling up” and, here’s a new term, “scaling deep” in our current business and professional engagements.

Whatever changes to the plan though, as far we are able, we try to stick to the long term “game plan” in the management, and stewardship, of our God-given resources. As one of my dear friends would constantly remind me, keeping your money invested is the key in the long run. “Pabayaan mo at kalimutan mo!” (Just leave and forget about it!) It’s not always “timing” that works; in the end, it is “time,” period.

I will have to stress this one last reminder in the course of managing our assets: “Savor them. Enjoy the blessing, because in the end, that’s what it is.” And that’s what I intend to do as I finish this column and spend that last 2 days of my Europe trip with my family.

Here’s an easy recap of today’s column: Set your goals. Understand your lifestyle. Choose among options (Diversify). Choose what to focus on among the options. Expect and anticipate change. Stick to the core plan. Savor the Blessing! That spells SUCCESS!

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BPI Asset Management has a long track record of managing assets of both institutional and individual investors through innovative investment products and solutions considered to be the most complete in the industry. For more about this, you may visit or send an email to We also welcome your feedback and questions! Reach us at



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