How do I fix my broken heart?

Dear Nanay,

I’m a single mother of two girls. Recently, I got out of a relationship of almost a year with my co-worker. Sad to say this is because I was the other party in the relationship. Being co-workers, I have to endure seeing him every day and being in pain when he ignores me when we bump into each other. We have the same schedule, which makes it harder for me to move on. It’s hard having spent every single day with that someone before. I have to admit I am still so in love with the guy and that makes it hard for me.

Nanay, how should I cope with all this?


Broken Heart


Dear Broken Heart,

If you ask me, if you are the “other party,” then you did the right thing by ending the relationship.  It is never right when there is an “other party.”  So congratulations on making the correct — although most certainly a difficult  — decision.

Now, with regard to what you should do today, the answer is unfortunately easy to say, but difficult to do.  And I think you probably know what the reality is.  Unless you are willing to move jobs, I think you may just have to endure your current situation until you move on and it becomes less emotionally difficult.

However, you should take comfort in a number of things.  First, as I said, you made the correct decision.  Second, it will get better.  I know it may not seem so today while the wounds are still fresh.  But give it some time.  I promise you it will get better.  Hang in there.




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Add a friendship discount

Dear Nanay,

 In addition to the things you stated to CCM regarding sending a bill for the services rendered as an architect, you may add an additional line after the subtotal showing to lessen it by a discount ranging from 10 percent  to 50 percent off and label that as “friendship discount.” Fifty percent off would certainly place much amount on the friendship.

If the billing was already sent, it would be a nice follow-up to add the “friendship discount” as it would emphasize the premium placed on the friendship.

Nanay, great suggestion!


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