Sen. Gringo Honasan reads books on duty, faith and zen

Get to know your re-electionist and neophyte senators by the books they read. I bumped Sen. Gringo Honasan at an event and asked him to share his favorite books with my “Reading Club” readers. 

 1. The Holy Bible. “The Bible teaches us continuing lessons in life.”

2. A Past Revisited by Renato Constantino

3. Our Continuing Past by Renato Constantino. “It teaches us who we are as a people.”

4. The Soldier and the State by Samuel P. Huntington. “Teaches professional soldiers what their role in democratic society is.”

5. The Man on Horseback by S.E. Finer. “Teaches professional soldiers what their duty in democratic society is.”

6. Disturbing the Peace by Vaclav Havel. “Teaches statesmanship, moral and political high ground.”

7. Standing for Something by Gordon B. Hinckley. “Teaches solid universal Christian values.”

8. The Geography of Bliss by Eric Weiner.

“Teaches us that happiness is where you find it.”

9. Zen in the Martial Arts by Joe Hyams. “Teaches the inverse and direct relationship between capability and potential in all endeavors.” 

10. The Art of Worldly Wisdom by Baltasar Gracian. “One of the great classics. Teaches day-to-day humanity.”

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“The Reading Club” recommends The Accidental Billionaires by Ben Mezrich available at all National Book Store and Powerbooks branches.

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