What are the best things in life?

It’s easy to forget the positives in our lives when things don’t turn out the way we expect. It even seems more convenient to dwell on our problems instead of working on solutions. Personally I’ve learned to focus on the best things in my life. Training my mind to reject negative thoughts. It wasn’t easy but it also wasn’t hard to do. It’s worked very well for me. It’s definitely true that positive thoughts attract positive results.

Suzette Hahn Lopez, housewife

The best things in life are living in my home with the bossy husband, the demanding children, the snooty dog, and the always-hungry fish. They’re just perfect!

Raha Mortel, team manager/coach, Basketball Chang Thailand Slammers

The best thing in life, aside from basketball, is sharing 525,600 minutes in a year of my time with my loved ones.

Ana Amigo Antonio, businesswoman

The best thing in life is finally realizing that in dedicating my life to loving and giving, I have found true happiness.

Sara Black, photographer

The best things in life are the simple things — walnuts and cranberries, a sunrise above the clouds, when your boyfriend combs your hair.

Len Nepumuceno, vice president, Fashion and Design Council of the Philippines

The best thing in life is having children who love you, support you and are with you no matter what.

Priscilla Meirelles, beauty queen/host

The best things in life are priceless. A beautiful sunrise, a baby’s smile, the reassuring presence of family and friends, laughter, timeless songs and melodies. These are things that money can’t buy, but will forever be etched in our hearts and minds as long as we live.

Ronnie Henares, talent manager/producer/director/actor

The best thing in life is when your dreams come true.

Kris Lawrence, singer/theater actor

The best things in life happen when you least expect them, just like my theater debut in Sweet Charity. I thought I was giving my all as an RnB singer/songwriter, but I never realized how dabbling in stage work can be just as enjoyable and challenging.

Happy Ongpauco Tiu, businesswoman

The best things in life for me would be root beer floats and chocolate chip cookies freshly baked from the oven, laughing so hard till my tummy hurts, being around friends I can trust, finding a pretty dress on sale at 50 percent off, no traffic, watching the sunset with my hubby, Dexter, and Renzo. Most of all, being around my family who loves me and who I love unconditionally and waking up each morning thanking God for another beautiful day.

Denise Laurel, actress

The best things in life you work hard for. Not all people are blessed with the good fortune of having the best of everything, whether material or not. One of life’s greatest challenges is asking yourself what you really want, and charting out your life plan so that you can turn those dreams into reality.

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