How do you overcome sadness?
You don’t become happy by pursuing happiness. You become happy by living a life that means something. — Harold S. Kushner
Sadness and depression may get to us during the times we least expect- it. No one is exempt from experiencing this emotion. But it is how we deal with it, how we face it that will make the difference. Sometimes when we’re faced with sadness we just freeze and let it take over our entire being. But we must learn to look at other venues that can make us happy. When sadness visits you the next time, a lot of prayers and reflection, being with happy people and helping others, and having the right support group will definitely cheer you up.
Billy Crawford, singer/host
I go on a food binge! Doesn’t it show? I’m sure most people have their favorite comfort foods. Wasn’t there a study that proved chocolates trigger the release of endorphins that somehow lift our moods? But I’m not really into sweets that much. I usually indulge in pizza and pasta.
Jeannie Goulbourn, founder and president, Natasha Goulbourn Foundation
I listen to music. Do aerobics with fun music for an hour then jump on my trampoline. Then call friends who can make me laugh. Watch a funny movie and do meditation after I tire my body out. Or I visit an orphanage because little children with their innocent but simple, basic intelligence and laughter make me rethink that life is worth living with its waves going up and down.
Iya Villania, TV host/Myx VJ
I can almost imagine a million other girls chanting this with me: “Shop ‘til you drop!” It may sound like a cliché, but shopping really does wonders in getting distressed gals out of their blue funk. Besides, it’s also a great bonding activity for most girlfriends. Listening to music and going on a food trip also does that for me sometimes, but shopping still tops my list!
Helena Belmonte, model
I clean. It’s the only thing I can control, my environment. So I clean out my drawers and closet, even my computer and iPod. When I’m done with cleaning therapy, it makes me happy to have things in order. Bernie A. Concepcion, president and CEO, Swift Foods, Inc
I put this quotation of St. Teresa of Avila into prayer: “Let nothing disturb you. Let nothing dismay you. All things pass; God never changes. Patience attains all that it strives for. He who has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices.
John Fernandez,businessman
When I feel sad, I make sure I ponder upon the situation for as long as I need to and ask God to lift my spirit and that He bring me something positive in exchange. Indeed, I find relief and encouragement in my regular Thursday Bible class where I have a wonderful support group I can run to anytime. On my own I find a simple way of coping with sadness. My therapy is open mic singing at Strumm’s, which I partly host every Wednesdays for happy hour. The sadness never comes back.
Chinggay Andrada-Sebastian, fitness advocate
Believe it or not, one of the most effective blues busters is exercise. Even a leisurely walk in the park can do wonders for one’s mood. Most feelings of sadness or depression are psychosomatic in nature, and as soon as you keep your body moving and fill your lungs with clean, fresh air, your body goes on auto-pilot mode. You just can’t help but hold your head up, throw your shoulders back and just like that, your outlook instantly changes for the better.
Annette Gozon Abrogar, president, GMA Films
I usually try to get my mind off whatever is making me sad. Sometimes I watch a movie or go out and eat a really good meal. Other times, I get a book to read and try to get absorbed in it. Or just talking to friends about other topics or just being silly makes me forget about whatever is making me sad.
David Drilon, board member, Natasha Goulbourn Foundation
Writer’s block makes me sad, so I run to clear my head. In the daytime, I write copy for a digital agency. At night, I write fiction and sweat blood. I want to be like Haruki Murakami but that’s harder than running a marathon. And so I try to write some more — and end up running farther.