Tidbits to make life flow


I am realizing that one of the most important activities we have is sleep.  If we sleep well, our quality of life dramatically improves. These things I have realized:

• If I watch TV, it disturbs the quality of my sleep. My mind becomes restless — and my sleep is not deep.  The TV images continue to pass through my space.

• It is important that all the lights are off, that I take a shower — in effect gear up for sleep — and have a light early dinner — preferably minimal starch and oil. I have found that when I fall asleep really tired, and there are many times when this happens — sometimes just falling on the sofa or bed .... even if I sleep many hours — I don’t wake up feeling rested.

On the other hand, I’ve experienced having just three to four hours of sleep and doing really well, provided I meditate, then relax every part of my body, focus on my breath, not dwelling on any problem but rather “sinking” into the Divine — resting on that space of love that is actually always around us — if we can just be still enough to feel.

• When my sleep is deep and restful, the next day becomes really good. My meditation is good. I am convinced that while we sleep, divine forces land on us — healing us, recuperating us — and this cannot happen if we are too involved in problems.

In closing, sleep is not an end of the day thing. It’s moving into another phase in the rhythm of life where one can recuperate.


Rhythm. This is another valuable facet to inculcate in life. Life doesn’t just move on impulse — there is an established rhythm that I rest on — I have a schedule and I stick to it. I have a daily schedule, a weekly schedule and a yearly schedule, which is vital for my well-being. I wake up at a certain time, I do asanas, meditate, exercise. I set time for reading, being with my kids. Rhythm.... this provides stability in the face of the ups and downs of life.


I do this every day. I have an inner radar, which says ... oops... wrong turn. Life is not easy. It’s vital that we stay aligned and don’t go off-tangent, which is very easy when one’s buttons are pushed.

Other invaluable health activities:

Health is just so important to me. A sick body cannot enjoy life, is hampered in making a difference. The energy of health is the receptacle, which can receive divine forces and make things happen.

Rebounding. On reflection, I have found that jumping oxygenates the blood. It even affects the emotions. I have talked to people who have been helped in their depression.

Soaking in warm water with epson salts. This is sooooo relaxing. And if you light candles, it can be meditative.

Yes, we have a life to live. We need to figure out systems to be able to navigate and keep ourselves intact — so that every situation in life is there for us to grow and learn from.  Life can actually be quite beautiful — it all depends on how we take it and what we make of it.

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