How do you mend a broken heart?

Don’t let love drive your whole life. That’s why God placed our brain on the top, to use it first before our heart! — Author Unknown
Going through heartbreak is not easy but getting out of it can be if we use our heads. I should know this because I just successfully survived one! It’s just a matter of accepting that it is happening to you, lots of prayers and realizing that there is so much more in store for you if you let go. Everything happens for a reason. I gave myself a time frame — time to grieve and time to move on — re-channeled my energies in doing more productive and positive activities and let events unfold as they should. It’s not that easy but it can be done and as you move on you will just look back at this chapter in your life and smile.
Marc Gueco, international model
It hurts to think about your relationship and your ex, and maybe even harder to go about your daily activities. Please tell yourself this: there is one simple step that has been proven by countless relationship experts to help people heal broken hearts. This trick is so easy that you probably aren’t going to believe that it works. But promise me one thing: after I tell you about this super-secret tactic, you’ll try it for two weeks — no questions asked!
Okay, here’s the biggest trick for how to mend a broken heart: cut your ex out of your life.
What does this mean exactly? It’s simple: you need to avoid or remove everything from your life that makes you think of your ex. If you’re like most people, then you probably spend a lot of time thinking about your ex. So what’s the biggest reason for not being able to get over your breakup? It’s because you keep thinking about what you could’ve changed, what could have been different or how happy you were.
If your brain and surroundings stop reminding you of your past relationship, then it will be infinitely easier to fix your broken heart. So get rid of everything that makes you think of your ex! One last word of warning, though: some items remind you of your ex now, but you’ll regret throwing them away later. Take these things, put them in a box and store them at a friend’s house until you’ve learned how to mend your broken heart.
Vickie Zubiri, artist/cultural philanthropist/president, Filfest Cultural Foundation
“How do you mend a broken heart, how do you stop the tears from falling down?” That’s absolutely hard and takes time, strength, wisdom, and determination. Especially if you haven’t witnessed it happen with your parent or siblings. Don’t ever think of yourself as a loser. I believe in karma and that people who break your heart will get it back with a double whammy, and at the end they are the pathetic losers.
Always think that you are the best inside and outside, go forward with life, be adventurous and do exactly what you want, or desire, as your life at the moment is the best. Never think of yesterday or tomorrow — only today, the moment, and whatever will make you happy. Do not dwell on sadness or hurt because people around you will also feel it. Always remember all things pass and nothing is indispensable.
Eventually, through prayers and self-confidence your life goes on for the better. If by chance the man who broke your heart realizes how much he cares for you, and you still care for him, there is such a word as forgiveness, and perhaps the next chapter would be happier and better.
Helena Belmonte, model
I find that the best way to get over someone is to focus on yourself. I tend to want to drag myself to the gym and pamper myself at the spa. The better you look, the better you have to feel!
Dr. Vivian Sarabia
I stop imagining the worst! I give myself permission to weather the storm of an emotional experience without telling myself how bad or hard or painful it is going to be. Moving forward through all the experiences without the expectation of pain. Knowing, accepting that I have no control of the situation or the person but I have complete control over how I react towards them. Asking myself, what am I learning from this painful experience? I believe that the person that hurts me the most is one of the greatest teachers in my life; it is because of them that I unfold and discover my inner strength. Realizing that it is only in loving myself totally that I will find unconditional love, inner peace and a life of bliss. We all have the freedom of choice and emotions are choices. I choose happiness.
I want to share this prayer for emotional healing: “Dear God, I now forgive myself for all beliefs, judgments, decisions, choices and agreements that have caused me to be attached to pain, hurt, shame, anger, guilt, disappointment and any other toxic emotions. I ask that you transform what I am feeling, experiencing and believing into an expression of love so that I may be healed. Thank you, God. Amen.”
Richie Santos, vice president, Imported Brands
It is easy. Just think of all the negative traits of your former lover, especially all the things you hate about the person. In that way, it will be easier to let go. Don’t look back, just look forward into the future. Pick up a new sport like running or triathlon. It will make you forget about your former lover. You never know, you might meet someone new while having fun at your new sport. The right special someone will come in God’s chosen time. I always try to remember this saying, “A girl’s rejection is God’s protection for me.” And when the time comes that God has given you your soul mate, love that person unconditionally.
Edward Cadiz, businessman
It is not easy to deal with the hurts and pains of your past relationship that failed. It takes time for the broken heart to mend. But taking the first step by reaching to your close friends and relatives, having a new hobby and being open to dating again is the start of being yourself in finding relief from the period of grief. It helps you to forget the thoughts, feelings and memories of the person you once loved. In this process it will help you to go through recovery and healing. Being persistent in moving on and positive that the breakup was a good thing that happened, I believe a new and happier relationship will come along the way. There are lots of ways to mend a broken heart, but I think being always stuck on that situation will not heal a broken heart. Start a new life!
Michelle Asence Fontelera, CEO, Zenzest Asia Inc.
The best way to mend a broken heart is to be your best self, to be more beautiful, to be your sexiest, to be more successful. Surround yourself with positive people who love you unconditionally. Finally, always remember that when you break up with someone, it only means that somebody better is in store for you. God’s plans are always perfect.
Rima Ostwani, fashion consultant and customer development manager, Rustan’s
No one ever said that heartbreaks are easy but they are part of life and I believe that what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. In order to mend a broken heart, you have to accept and be at peace with the direction the series of events took. Everything happens for a reason. Surround yourself with family and friends and close people to you. Keep yourself busy by doing the things you love and enjoy doing — be it work, sports, hobbies or shopping. Pamper and focus on yourself and do everything that would make you happy — perhaps things you weren’t able to do prior to the heartbreak. Most importantly, love yourself! And as the saying goes, after a storm comes a rainbow so keep a positive outlook! There are just too many things to be happy about and thankful for. Life is beautiful!
Ruffa Gutierrez, actress/TV host/philanthropist/mom
Experiencing a heartbreak is painful. The first step in mending a broken heart is to grieve and acknowledge our sadness. Once we’ve accepted our loss then we can pick up the pieces and look forward to a brand-new start. Move to a new city! Go for a new look! Most importantly surround yourself with loved ones, positive people and immerse yourself in work. That’s a start. It worked for me so I’m positive it would for you as well.
Maritoni Fernandez, actress, mother, cancer survivor
By strongly focusing on all the crap he did to me....I refuse to remember the good times till much, much later when I know I’m completely healed of him. Normally, I tell my friends who have recently broken up to stay strong and away from the guy for at least three months straight — meaning no calls, no coffee, no nothing for 90 days. Then, after that, if they still feel like meeting up or talking with their ex, they will have a much clearer perspective and be able to stand their ground...even if they still love the guy, they’ll know what’s good for them! Either way, they will have made a decision not completely based on their hearts or fear of loss anymore. Most times, they decide that yes, they still love the guy but, hey, they’ll be okay na pala without him! So, the time really does make them stronger to stand on their own. It works.
There’s a scientific study that says it takes 90 days to form or break a habit — maybe it’s got something to do with that! The important thing is, life’s too short to be miserable!