What's the best Christmas gift you ever received and from whom?

Christmas is just around the corner! It’s a joyous time for everyone, as we all celebrate the birth of our Lord. And since it’s also around the time we welcome the New Year, we show our appreciation to our friends and loved ones through gifts and greeting cards. Read on as some friends share with us the best Christmas gifts ever!

Angela Montenegro-Arroyo, homemaker and mom:

Every year, my in-laws make it a point to be complete for the entire holiday season. We go on a trip abroad before Christmas and go to Baguio for the remaining holidays. This yearly experience is the best Christmas gift anyone has given me.

Grace Barbers Baja, mother:

The best Christmas gift I will receive is the upcoming arrival of our baby daughter, due anytime. We have been praying for a baby girl since we already have two wonderful boys. God has answered our prayer and has given us an early Christmas gift.

Patti Grandidge, model/entrepreneur:

My golden retriever! My parents gave me a puppy for Christmas... I was begging for two years and I finally got a dog!

Isabel Villar:

This Christmas my family will receive one of the best Christmas gifts we could ever have: my sister’s new baby son, Diego.

Alfred Xerez Burgos III, president and CEO, Landco Pacific Corp.:

One thing I’ll never forget was my grandfather’s annual gift to all his grandchildren when he was alive. The dividends from his popcorn stand at the movie theater would go send us all to Hong Kong every year for at least 10 years straight. The gesture was simple. We didn’t travel in luxury, and we didn’t stay in five-star hotels, but we were plenty and we were complete. Those were pretty enjoyable bonding moments with the whole clan that I will take to the grave. Thanks, Lolo Alfred! We miss you!

Cesar V. Purisima, Finance Secretary:

A big hug and a kiss from my loving wife the best gift I have from god after the gift of life I wish everyone a merry Christmas and may we keep the Christmas spirit in our hearts every day of our lives.

Jiggy Aquino Cruz, brand manager:

The best Christmas gift I got was when I was five years old. I remember Santa giving me a Micro Machines playset. But sometimes, a surprise during Christmas makes it a whole lot better. My girlfriend Misha surprised me with this T-shirt I wanted but I didn’t have any size. Come Christmas Day, she gave it since she was able to find it in another branch. It’s my favorite T-shirt!

Jako De Leon, producer and entrepreneur:

The best Christmas gift I have ever gotten was a GI Joe kid’s motorcycle when I was four years old. It was probably one of the most memorable Christmas gifts because it was the last gift Santa ever gave me well, at least before I finally realized it was my parents leaving us gifts at the door during Christmas Eve.

Tina Tinio, international area manager, LVMH Fragrance Brands (Givenchy, Kenzo, Pucci and Fendi) Japan, Spain and Guam:

The best Xmas gift I ever received? I can say that God gave me strength and courage. Strength and courage to face myself, let go of what was comfortable and what I was used to, and take on a new challenge and make a new name and life for myself in Tokyo by never looking back! By giving me the strength to self-reflect, accept my strengths and weaknesses (especially the weaknesses), embrace the challenge-filled journey from Manila to Singapore to Tokyo, I have come out of it on my way to being a better person. By having the courage to let go and jump head on into uncertain waters, I was free to become a better me. A better daughter, a better friend and a person who wants to live light of heart and mind every day by giving the best of myself to the people around me and to those who will meet me in the future. By focusing on giving constantly (in all forms), I would say that I am celebrating Christmas and receiving gifts every day. I couldn’t ask for anything more than the life that I have and what is coming my way.

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