Laughter yoga pioneer conducts seminars

MANILA, Philippines - When was the last time you had a good laugh? Remember what they say about laughter being the best medicine? Get a good dose of laughter at the Laughter Yoga seminar slated on Monday, July 26, 3-4 p.m. at the Philippine Heart Center.

Elvie Estavillo, who pioneered laughter yoga in the country, will teach everyone how to laugh like they have never laughed before. “Even if there’s nothing to laugh about, which is what laughter yoga is about,” says Elvie with a hearty laugh.

And the laughter never ends as Dr. Madan Kataria, founder, International Laughter Yoga, conducts a laughter yoga leadership training seminar on Nov. 18-22. According to Estavillo, this is an opportune time for those who want to teach laughter yoga to our kababayans. “No need to go overseas to train,” Estavillo points out.

Spreading laughter wherever she goes, Estavillo has been invited by many big companies to conduct laughter seminars for their employees.

 Estavillo invites everyone to let hearty laughter resonate throughout the land. Visit

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