Making dreams come true

There was no way the cleanup could have been achieved if people and institutions did not work together —from the President’s Office, the military and police, to the MMDA, local government, the barangays, the children, and even the students.

Something magical happens when people work together — an alchemy that goes far beyond the physical. When people work together the effect is not only on the water and the surroundings; the effect is on the heart. 

This is my experience over the past year, through the cleaning of Estero de Paco. There was no way — absolutely no way — the cleanup could have been achieved if people and institutions did not work together. From the President’s Office, to the MMDA, to local government, to the barangays, the children, and the students — everbody played a part.

The state of the Pasig River today is the result of an unenlightened consciousness with regards to the river and waterways. As such, Manila has become a city of open sewers with the river the final dumping site. We literally have excrement and methane gas weaving throughout our city.

The cleanup of the esteros and the Pasig River will be the result of a shift in consciousness. And it is vital that this shift in consciousness happens with dynamism and a tremendous amount of determination. There is no “maybe” here, but a no-nonsense approach nuanced with a sense of mission and purpose.

Cleanup efforts were assisted by the “River Warriors,” a group of dedicated residents who are sworn upholders of the environmental protection of Estero de Paco.

Their oath: “I am a river warrior. The river and estero is a part of my history and identity. I pledge to love and respect the river as my ancestors did.

“I will keep the estero clean so that life can flow again and give our people joy. I will inspire the community I live in and teach by my example.

“My wisdom, my strength, my love and my integrity are my weapons and through my dedication I will give my people hope. This is my pledge for God and country.”

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