Keeping skin amazing

Vaseline has undoubtedly been part of our life, ever since we were little. It’s more than just synonymous with skin care; for most people, it’s skin comfort. Over the years Vaseline has developed a comprehensive range of products for different needs and uses, but its essence remains the same, and that is of intensive care. Here we asked different women how Vaseline has been part of their life. These are their amazing skin stories.

Iza Calzado, actress

Vaseline has been helping me finally achieve the skin I’ve always wanted. Soft, healthy skin. I never used to take care of my skin so now I have to really moisturize all the time. Vaseline provides my skin with all the moisture it needs. Vaseline is the secret behind my skin’s happiness.

Kate Torralba, designer, singer

I inherited my father’s really dry skin, and knew very early on in my life that dry skin on a woman was not a good thing. I remember I was in grade school and one of my male classmates accidentally touched my hand and he said, “Yuck, they are so dry and rough!” For some reason this really clung to my psyche.  It did develop the beginnings of a good habit — which was to moisturize!  I got a bottle of my grandma’s Vaseline Intensive Care lotion — I still remember the old school packaging — and that was the beginning of my religious habit of applying lotion every day after a shower. There is nothing like a classic ritual that works!  Vaseline is definitely a classic in my book.

Amanda Lapus, model, host

I personally like Vaseline’s Healthy Body Glow lotion. The beach is a huge part of my life and I have to get my sun and saltwater fix every so often. But with my current job, I feel I’ve been missing out on the usual road trips to the beach. This means missing out on surf and getting that golden tan I love to sport. With the Healthy Glow lotion, though, it keeps my skin from ever looking dry or pasty. It keeps me glowing despite staying in the confines of the city.

Barni Alejandro, The Sexy Chef

I have very sensitive and itchy dry skin. Vaseline hydrates my skin without any irritation. I use it every day after showering. It’s light, non-sticky texture is perfect for Manila’s tropical weather. I also make sure to apply Vaseline lotion all over my legs after shaving to keep them smooth and touchable. With all the diffrerent varieties of Vaseline lotion, there is definitely one that’s suited just for you.

Barbi Chan, makeup artist

Vaseline is my travel buddy and best friend! I make sure that I have the moisturizing lotion every time I leave the country because it really makes a big difference on my skin. I remember when I was in Italy and it was winter so normally your skin really gets chapped and flaky. I never had that problem because Vaseline made sure my skin was well hydrated and protected from the harsh wind! I never leave without it!

Nicole Asencio, lead singer, Crowjane

My personal favorite is Vaseline Aloe Vera lotion. It works wonders on my skin that is super sensitive and easily dries out when I’m overworked. As a singer I have to do quick changes and perform in places where you aren’t always “pampered.” I like to rough it — that’s all part of the game. But when my skin starts to show signs of needing extra care, Vaseline Aloe lotion really does the trick.

Vaseline has always been a staple and it’s a big part of my life because as a child I watched my mother use it, I grew up mimicking her like any little girl would their own mother, and one day I can hope that my little girls will have the same fond feeling with this staple product.... it’s been around through many, many generations!

Sarah Geronimo, singer, actress

Vaseline has always been a part of my life. It has unfailingly given me the best skincare that I need over the years. Vaseline not only renews my skin, it also helps me gain self-confidence. Using Vaseline makes my life brighter as I face its many challenges.

Mary Paula de Silva, call center representative

Dry skin became my problem when I started working in a call center.  The air-conditioning on the floor is extra cold(I’m not  exaggerating). On my first day, my skin was shocked. It  became dull and flaky. It was truly an emergency. I  went ahead and rushed to the nearest convenience store. I  grabbed myself a pocket-sized lotion and good thing it was  Vaseline!

I felt an immediate relief. The first thing that I noticed was its consistency. It’s thick yet not greasy compared  to the other lotions in the market. It doesn’t  leave me with that “humid” feeling at all! I love how the collagen builds a protective film against the cold air and at the  same time penetrates beneath my skin surface. Amazing! An  extra point also for the light fragrance that gives me that  ”after shower” feel.

I definitely recommend my call center folks to have one placed at their computer stations. It’s a quick relief not  just for your dry skin, but it’s also a nice stress reliever after  dealing with an irate customer.

Charmaine Palermo, stylist

I’ve been using Vaseline Green, the one with cucumber, since they launched it, because it’s not sticky especially in our humid weather. It’s easily absorbed by my skin and I get all the moisture I need in a lotion, and I love the smell also!

Erica Paredes, beauty editor

Vaseline is great for really dry skin. When I was in the States, where the air is drier, my skin usually started to peel and flake from lack of moisture, but when i apply Vaseline (lotion or petroleum jelly) on my feet and cover up with socks before sleeping, I wake up the next day with soft, moisturized feet! It’s also great for really chapped lips!

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