Once again, The Philippine STAR and Swatch commemorate the Swatch Year of the Ox Special — Bulls on Parade by welcoming the New Year with its annual competition that has a top prize of P100,000.
This year’s topic is “My Bullish Art.”
To best inspire everyone’s creativity, the contest is now open to all mediums of art — painting, sculpture, photography, graphic design, drawing, arts and crafts — anything goes! Furthermore, the topic’s interpretation is completely up to you. There are no requirements. There are no limits. There is just your imagination, creativity and talent.
All entries must be submitted to any Swatch Store or Kiosk from Dec. 27, 2008 to Feb. 18, 2009 with a completed Entry Form (available daily in The Philippine Star), contest guidelines acceptance form (available at any Swatch Store or Kiosk) and the original artwork.
In addition to the top prize of P100,000 and a Swatch Year of the Ox Special — Bulls on Parade, second prize wins P50,000 and a Swatch Year of the Ox Special — Bulls on Parade, third prize wins P30,000 and a Swatch Year of the Ox Special — Bulls on Parade and fourth prize wins P20,000 and a Swatch Year of the Ox Special — Bulls on Parade. Ten honorable mentions win a Swatch Year of the Ox Special — Bulls on Parade each.
So during a time when everyone seems to be looking down, things are looking up for the Swiss watchmaker as Swatch couldn’t be more bullish about celebrating the coming 2009 with your interpretation of “My Bullish Art.”