Whose signature would you like to forge and for what purpose?

 One’s signature is one of the most important possessions we have. It’s what we affix to all the important documents that signify our commitment. It is something we have to safeguard because it can open a lot of doors for us but can also make us lose everything in one stroke.

All seriousness aside, in case you have the chance to forge anyone’s signature, whose signature would you choose and why?

JM RODRIGUEZ, actor: I would forge Manny Pangilinan’s signature and sign big-budget sponsorship checks for all theater productions in the Philippines.  We need to boost the theater industry in this country.

TRISHA TAGLE, senior project manager, JWT/NY: God’s (if He had one), so I could change the world (no blasphemy intended, enter Prayer of St. Francis). But seriously, I guess I don’t have to forge His signature. He gave it to me when He gave me free will and I can choose to change the world one instance at a time.

INNO SOTTO, fashion designer: I’d like to be able to forge signatures of those who can make a difference, affect changes and solve problems of global climate, hunger, ignorance and education.

OWEN GAN, restaurateur, Heaven and Eggs/artist: David Beckham’s, so I could autograph any sports merchandise and easily raise funds for charity.

STACY RODRIGUEZ, student: I would like to forge the signature of Paul David Hewson a.k.a. Bono of U2. First of all, imagine what that’s worth? Thing is, I could choose any huge celebrity whose signature could bring big bucks. However, I choose Bono’s because of his influence through his beautiful music and his humanitarian endeavors. I want a signature that’s been part of something big. Bono’s signature has been part of so many album contracts that gave birth to such amazing  songs. Also, it was his signature that started so many movements and organizations for Africa.

NESTOR O. JARDIN, president, Cultural Center of the Philippines: Some unscrupulous, filthy-rich characters, such as drug or gambling lords, so I could divert their riches to help needy artists and cultural workers or buy the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra a new set of musical instruments, which cost about P45 million at current prices.

ANNE CURTIS, actress: I don’t think I’d forge anyone’s signature because that would be wrong. But I would like to perfect Audrey Hepburn’s  autograph because I love her and I would like to be like her.

VICKY ZUBIRI: I would forge my husband’s signature so I could increase  my monthly income. That’s a joke, of course, as Joe is a very generous person to me, our family and the less fortunate.    The real reason I would like to forge his signature is to help him sign the checks to pay the monthly bills. I was in his Bukidnon office two weeks ago and saw the piles of papers he had to sign.  I figured at the end of the day, he’d be as crossed-eyed as I would be.

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