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Sunday Lifestyle


It has begun: the sickening, disappointing, integrity-disintegrating circus called Philippine Election Season. Former mortal enemies are now buddy-buddies, casting aside principles, calling for unity (huh?) all in the name of potential victory. Trapos have paraded their families through the Comelec, including heartbreakingly bewildered grandchildren, made to hold up certificates of candidacy before the crowd. How can there be true victory in such a dark and viscous environment? It’s like swimming in tar. Even now as I sit in this coffee shop, there is a group of hoodlum-types talking about their murky allegiances. I hear one say: “How can you say no to 10 million bucks? (har har).” This pomade-capped, French-cuffed ringleader goes on to talk about certain parties being able to secure only so many votes due to lack of funds — all at the top of his voice. I can barely swallow my coffee and consider spewing a mouthful at him instead.

Last week, there was a radio interview of celebrities turned trapo endorsers. Millions are being thrown their way by politicians on the campaign trail. A lot of them said they don’t really care what these candidates stand for. All they care about is compensation. They were quite proud to say it was just another job. This is really what we’ve sunk to — that we can literally trade the future of our country and children for money, as if this were the legacy our children would value most. How easy it is to see ourselves as separate from the process: Trabaho lang. Hindi ako kasali. It is too easy for us to lend our talents to causes we don’t even believe in and possibly even oppose. But for money — our selfish, individual needs — we would sell our soul. We fail to see that this is just the kind of behavior that keeps this country where it is. If we insist on seeing only ourselves and never bother with the greater world and — more to the point — the impact of our individual lives on the health of the entire country, how can we ever touch the hem of our greatest potential as a nation? Not with the attitude of “Hindi ako kasali diyan. Trabaho lang.”

I have heard from would-be candidates who considered running with people they have no respect for. They said it was a necessity — a passport of sorts. After the presumed victory, they had every intention of going back on whatever agreement or deal was made. That simple. It was so simple it made me shiver. Fresh, untainted blood too quickly turns to poison in this town. I’m not seeing the kind of moral strength we need to turn this country around — even in people I hoped would run because I thought they would bring change at last. What of trust? How will the ordinary Filipino choose wisely if the candidates are crisscrossing, sleeping with the enemy, forgetting everything they stand for? Who do we trust? Who stands for what?

Then there are the actors (who should stay actors) who have turned their billboards into campaign material and their sponsors denying that’s what they are. From the onset, people are bringing forth their untruthful best. And they think nothing of it. We need to think hard about who we are helping to occupy places of power. What do they really stand for? What can they bring towards true, lasting and positive change in the country? How inwardly strong are they? How upright? We cannot allow ourselves to be pawns anymore, not if we truly want to leave our children a country worth living for. We must not allow our friendships to be used to aggravate the moral murk that threatens to wipe us out. Weeks down the road, during the next national scandal, I don’t want to hear anyone justifying evil by saying, “I am a victim of the system.” Anyone who does not have the moral balls to work on effecting change in the system and beyond should not run. What are you a leader for, otherwise?

Our problems run deep. They are rooted in consciousness. We need the moral strength of as many Filipinos as possible to change things around. We need to do our share where we are and willfully make the good ripple outward. We are done with leaders who pretend they care about poverty by giving token dole-outs with one hand while the other strips the very same people of their votes, their dignity, their self-reliance. We need nothing less than an inner revolution to bring healing to this country — not empty words, empty promises; not political tactics, not the usual dirty tricks. None of that.

Please don’t write and tell me I should hug trees (already doing that) and shut up (done with that) because I am being unrealistic and idealistic. Our country has sunk to the depths because of our flawed idea of business, politics and “practicality.” A few weeks ago, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo was on the front page of the major dailies, standing right next to former Gov. Leviste — a man who was then already under investigation for shooting his aide. Welcome lawlessness, everyone. With open arms. If you can shoot a man and still stand right next to the leader of this country — elected or not — it is open season for criminality. Why would I think twice about committing a crime if it is clear that I can get away with anything, including murder? Yes, he’s in jail now, but how could he have stood beside her, performing “official” duties? At the very least, the man should have been suspended. But the damage is done and the message is clear.

GMA said there is no other place for the Philippines to go but up. Not if we keep going the way we are. There are still lower depths to which we may sink, as she has expertly and repeatedly exhibited. I see it already in the different candidates selling their souls for positions they have proven they have no moral right to occupy. I see it already in the people who are allowing themselves to be used unthinkingly and blindly — all to further the decay and fragmentation that plague us. I see it in personalities who clearly cannot serve the country but insist on running anyway. Through it all, I am afraid we have forgotten our sense of good and evil and where we stand in relation to both.

The sanctity of our vote is no more. This is our one voice and the manifestation of our hope. Already, the current “leader” has defiled it. But those of us on the fringes do not have to go that way. We just need to think with our heads and our hearts about what is truly best for the country and how we must contribute towards its fulfillment. It pains me to see people complain when they have already given up and, worst of all, have become part of the moral sloth, simply because they think it’s the only way left. “Hindi kami kasali diyan. Trabaho lang.” “No, that’s not a campaign poster, it’s just an ad for a new establishment.” On and on and on.

Enough. The lying and cheating must stop with us. You have the choice to wield your power and resources for good or evil. So many have already chosen to use them for the latter, saying they must play the game to effect good. But the truth is, the minute you enter that dark and airless world, it is very difficult to turn back. One must be loyal to the path of good. There are no shortcuts. You cannot delude yourself into thinking that evil is a necessary stop. It simply doesn’t work that way. You charge in with the good and never let it go. You cannot live by the motto, “Sin now, pray later.” You cannot sow evil and think you are absolved each time you bow your head in prayer. The only way to effect real change is to strive to live your life as if it were your only prayer.

Even the worst of us has a conscience. It’s just a matter of paying attention to it and letting it be our guide towards the fulfillment of our human destiny. I believe I am in this world to put my imprint of good on it. We all are. Going against this ignores Divine Will. So we have to try to keep rising above evil: deed by deed, word by word. It’s the only way for humanity and the world to survive. Our moral sloth pollutes humanity the way our physical garbage is destroying the earth. It goes hand-in-hand. The choice is clear and time is of the essence.

In the coming months, let your conscience through. Let it seep down into your will so that you can do your share towards the authentic healing of our country. Let truth and integrity be your armor. There are no shortcuts.
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