If you could add a season to the year, what would it be?

One major reason foreigners prefer to live in our country is because they love our sunny weather and it’s easier to adjust to only two seasons. But a lot of Filipinos dream of seeing snow and wish our country had more than just the dry and wet seasons. If you could somehow control the weather in our country and add an additional season to the year, what would your new season be?
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For comments and suggestions, e-mail monswordsworth@yahoo.com.

EDNA RUIZ-SANDICO, owner, Cubes et. al.:
Spring! When flowers are in full bloom and birds are singing their melodies – what else can you ask for? It symbolizes a new beginning and a reason to be thankful.

ANNIE ICK-GATCHALIAN, marketing and communication officer, Asia Society Philippine Foundation Inc.:
A season of love... all year round!

CARLOS CELDRAN, Intramuros tour guide/performance artist:
Candy season. When candy would just fall from the skies for two whole months. Everyone would be fat. But happy.

HINDY TANTOCO, designer:
Spring. I don’t think we could take the ravages of autumn or winter since our rainy season is quite powerful as it is. We don’t need more dry leaves to clog our drains. Snow is beautiful to have but the after-effects can be messy, too. What we could use is more freshness, new life, blossoms and the crisp, cool air that only spring can bring.

ROSANNA HENARES-ANGELES, founder, Breastmilk Bank:
If I could make it so, it would be spring every day. Spring is when new life miraculously comes forth, when the earth is waking up again from its deep sleep. Flowers bloom, leaves unfurl, the sun’s bright and clear, and there’s just a little bit of rain to keep things growing. Children come out to play, and you once again get to hear them laugh and scamper about. Whenever spring comes it’s a feast for the senses: there are new and exciting things to see, smell, touch and hear. Spring brings joy to the earth, and hope to our hearts. (And as an aside, it wouldn’t hurt to be reminded to do some spring cleaning!)

My husband Raffy and I both love spring and autumn, but if we were to choose one it would be autumn. The red, yellow and orange leaves make it the most passionate season of all. The air is crisp and clean. We are able to enjoy the temperature – a mix of cool summer evenings and warm winter noontimes.

MARIVIC "MAV’ RUFINO, artist/writer/producer:
Living in the tropics is great. But as an artist, I would wish for the temperate zone’s changing seasons to bring different moods, a rainbow of colors, nature’s fragrances, flavors, textures and temperatures. I would adjust the year to have four months of spring with pink, lilac and yellow; four months of red, russet and copper in autumn; one month of brilliant sunshine and bright greens and azure blue in summer and one month of powdery white snow during a mild winter. Can you just imagine nature’s startling palette to inspire the creative energy in the painter and poet, the musician and dancer? Changes in the climate would also affect the moods of people (cooler temperatures are good for mellowing the temper; people would be more cheerful without the extremes of humidity in the equator).

But that is only a whimsical wish. I am quite content to have our two seasons – dry and rainy. I enjoy the months of November to February, and being in the mountains or by the seashore to watch the wonders of sunrise and sunset.

RACHEL MARTELINO CLIMENT, wife, mother, events planner:
I would extend this wonderful "springtime" of ours: the post-Christmas/pre-summer bright and breezy days and clear, cool nights. To me it’s the perfect weather for the tropics – throw in a few soft showers to make the plants and flowers green and happy, and then we can look forward to a long and beautiful summer by the beach.

MARCO PROTACIO, general manager, Waterfront Cebu City Hotel & Casino:
If I were to add a season to the ones that we know of, I would add a season of twilight all day long. Imagine having the creamy rose of sunset, the smoky gray of dusk, the creamy white of the rising moon, all day! Apart from this creatively beautiful atmosphere, twilight also signifies the end of a long day, and signals the onset of the evening. In essence, twilight season either lets you bask in the glory of calm musings, as you would at the end of the day, or rise to a random evening occasion, as you would when night falls. The beauty is, it’s up to you.

SHIRLEY KUAN, artists’ agent/manager:
I love our tropical weather and I always look forward to our warm tropical rains. I like it hot! I wouldn’t change or add any season to what we already have. To me, it’s perfect here!

PATRICIA PUYAT PALANCA, general manager, Manila Polo Club:
If I were given the powers by God to create another season to add to the existing four, I would create a season of change. This season would combine the attributes of summer and spring. The flowers in bloom, the temperature a constant 22 degrees Celsius, the colors of fashion in light pastels and the sun shining seven days a week. During this time people would have open minds and a positive attitude to foster change. Many times we say, "If only old dogs could adapt to new tricks, what a wonderful world it would be." We’d have improved relationships, better dialogue between countries and definitely more peace.

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