What’s one thing missing in your life that would make it complete?

To some people, life is a continuing process, an endless journey of discovery and learning, and a pursuit of the feeling of completeness. On the other hand, others view completeness with momentous occasions in their lives – the birth of their children, marrying their spouse, or discovering the Lord. Whatever or whomever makes us feel complete we should cherish, because it is in the pursuit that we get to live our lives.
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For comments and suggestions, send e-mail to monswordsworth@yahoo.com.

KIT ZOBEL, homemaker/CENTEX volunteer
: What would complete me? It’s a hard question to answer, as I believe completing oneself is a lifelong process. The pursuit of one’s personal growth is a continuous journey of stimulating the mind, enriching the heart, and nourishing the soul in all areas of one’s life. It is through nurturing oneself that you can then be a better person to those that you love.

In my case, it may be done through taking up a new class or course, volunteering my time to meaningful projects, or finding ways to be of service to others that would make a difference. I already feel so blessed with my married and family life that these are the other areas where I want to find meaning. And in this pursuit of personal growth, it always helps to view life with a certain amount of wisdom and understanding.

On the lighter side – and this is an impossible dream – winning a grand slam in tennis wouldn’t hurt either!

LISA MACUJA ELIZALDE, artistic director, Ballet Manila
: I would love to have a growing baby inside me! It’s a bit literal, I know, but very true. I would love to have baby No. 3. My daughter Missy is seven and my son Mac is five. I think they would also love to have another brother or sister.

: I am not complaining, but I wish I had more privacy. Having said that, I also know that being an actress makes me a public person.

: I can say that I am complete. But I wouldn’t mind having a partner with whom I can share my life and faith, and start a family with.

TWEETIE GONZALEZ, commercial model, mother:
I’ve been complete since the birth of my four wonderful children. Everything that came after was a much-appreciated bonus. Perhaps if I could attain the forgiveness of all that I’ve erred and if only I could see into the future and make sure that my children enjoy safe, healthy, happy lives, then I guess I’m quite done.

Atty. JESS SANTOS, GSIS board member/spokesman for the First Gentleman
: I cannot ask for anything more. I was a farmer’s son; we were very poor. It was a very hard life for my family and me. I found the opportunity study in Manila. I became a working student to finance my education. I had to rise at 4 a.m. every day to work as a gasoline boy at the Halili Transit depot in Baclaran, and around 4 p.m. I would go to FEU for my pre-law classes. I am happy with my life today and grateful to the Lord for everything he has given me.

MARY ANN O. LUMEN, holistic/alternative practitioner
: I have learned that completeness is not dependent on earthly, mortal, material possessions or anything of this world. After going through a recent devastating crisis, my wholeness has come from a powerful and permanent source, one who will always be faithful, loyal, unchanging, and immortal. There is no one or anything that could ever compare or come close to making me more complete than our ever loving God, our Creator and heavenly Father. He alone competes me and will continue to do so forever and ever.

DEBBIE YABUT, investment consultant
: There is nothing I want that will make me complete because having the Lord in my life makes me complete. It’s in Him I find true happiness. It’s also from the Lord that I draw my strength. Everything else is secondary.

NICK LOCSIN, businessman
: To be complete would probably require returning to the arms of our Creator. Even from a worldly point of view, it is still rather difficult to comprehend being complete considering all the dreams and aspirations we have. Right now, with a close-knit family and good health, I only have to fill up the potholes on the road to continue professional success and feel complete.

Rep. MIGUEL ZUBIRI, 3rd district, Bukidnon
: I have always thanked God for all the blessings that I have received from Him – a loving wife, a career in public service, and business ventures that are doing relatively well. However, what would complete me are the pleasant voices of children around the house. I have always been everyone’s kuya, now I’m ready to be the dad. That would not just complete me but strengthen my bond with my wonderful wife.

: Really for myself, I cannot ask for anything more. I feel so blessed, but to make it complete I would like to see our country prosperous and at peace.

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