For the face of your dreams

I know two sisters who could be mistaken for twins. J never diets, but because her face is slimmer, people think she’s the thinner one. V is a vegetarian and very self-conscious of her weight. Because of her full cheeks, people think she’s the chubby one.

The truth is, they weigh about the same.

No matter how much V diets, she is never satisfied with her appearance, because when she looks in the mirror, the first thing she sees is her face, and her face makes her look fat.

I have a similar problem. I’m small, but if I gain three pounds it will show on my face. Some people think fuller cheeks make one look younger, but honestly, I’d rather have a thin face. A thin face just looks better in pictures. A small, heart-shaped oval face with proportioned cheeks (not too round or hollow) and wide, sparkling eyes is the ideal face, according to Clarins. It is a face that is photogenic even without makeup.

Because of age, gravity, and pollution, the skin loses its firmness and becomes slack. Stress, heat, and lying down are factors that can make the finest features look puffy.

I once asked makeup artist Patrick Rosas when is the best time to do a photo shoot; he said 4 or 5 p.m., when the face is least puffy. Well, no wonder I look puffy! I love sleeping facedown and extra long.

Luckily there’s Clarins’ Shaping Facial Lift, which promises to gently reshape facial features, from the front and in profile. It’s a treatment that enables women of any age and body type to attain the ideal face by promoting a harmonious distribution of facial fat. Facial fat, which is hardly present on the forehead, is distributed across five main pockets: two on the tops of cheeks, two on the jawline, and one under the chin.

When pockets of fat on the top of the cheeks and jawline are large, the face appears too round from the front. When fat accumulates in the pocket under the chin, the neck thickens and the profile appears heavier.

Shaping Facial Lift uses special plant extracts like baccharin to slow down the development of fat pockets, soft wheat proteins for a gentle tightening effect, vitamin C to boost collagen and elastin, parsley for a delicate pink glow, and caffeine to encourage the reduction of pockets of fat on the face.

Shaping Facial Lift can be applied morning and/or evening with a fine layer to the face and neck. Clarins recommends keeping it in the refrigerator for a cool, soothing effect.

To get the most from this product, combine it with the manual auto-lifting method explained in an illustrated booklet that comes with the package. The full method, which lasts no more than three minutes, is effective even if performed infrequently, although frequent use will produce quicker results.
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Clarin’s Shaping Facial Lift is available at Rustan’s.

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